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shoi�ld be recognized that there are other reli�ions besides Christian, Je���is� and Muslim in the United <br />States. Many incidents of hate crime and/or discrimination happen all around. 18% of ha[e crime is based <br />on religion. That statistic proves that there is a lot of anger and hate iowards some peo�le wk�o bElieve <br />differently €han others. lt is obviously an aspect on which the society needs to impro�e an accepting, that <br />noi everyone is going to believe exactly the same things. This human right of Freedom of Beliefand <br />Re]igion isn't aiways respected but Article 15 of the Universa[ Declaration of Human rights is. <br />Article I S is a very good right that is very much respected by the L�nited States. Ii is the Ri�ht to a <br />Nationality and the Freedom to Change it. This plays an extremely large part in my family because my <br />father is not an American citizen, he has a green card, and I was born in Korea. This right is not a right <br />that has beeR violated in my IEfe, b�t a right that has very positively impac€ed rr�y life. Far example, my <br />grandparents are not in good enoug� health to [ive by the�r�seEves, so they are gaing to move to America <br />from Korea. In order to do that, my dad needs ta become a citizen. That is a very big deal in our famiEy <br />because being a citizen of your home country is a crucia! way to ho]d onto your heritage. It is not only a <br />time consuming effort, but an emotiona] struggle; lett€ng go of a way to be cannected to your hor�E <br />country is a verv hard thing to do. ! was born in Korea, so when I turn ]$ years old, I have the right to <br />decide if I �vant to become an Americar� citizen or a Korean citizen. l'm not sure rvhat I wil[ do, but I <br />knaw in time, I'll figure out wha.i 1 wil] do. <br />These h�arrtan rights are a clearly a very important to me and always wil[ be. They are human <br />rights thai can never be taken away from me because I ��as born with them. �'reedom from discriminatian, <br />freedom of heliefs and the right to a nationality and the freedom to chan�e it, those are the ri�hts that ar� <br />essential ta my ]ife. <br />