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with the fear of being homeless, hurt, or even having family members killed, but there are plenty <br />of people around the world who have experienced hardships that I can't even imagine, The <br />family I know who emigrated from El Salvador wasn't planning on staying in Mexico, but that's <br />where they reside to this day. They have worked very hard, and, over many years, have built a <br />cozy two-story home where they ha�e raised four children. <br />Human rights are not universally recognized. They should be, but they aren't, Some <br />rights tliat we take far granted in the US, sucl� as education, are not given to everyone in the <br />world. In many countries, school is considered a great privilege, and educational opportunities <br />are �ery limited. The 26`h article in the Universal Declaration of H�man Rights is ihe Right ta <br />Education. This is an area of human rights where there is always an opportunity to make a <br />difference. <br />Article 25 rn the Universal Declaration af Human Rights is the rig�t ta an adequate living <br />standard. When my church raised money �'or a program called Heifer International, we were able <br />to donate animals that could improve a family's standard of living. The animals received—geese, <br />cl�icks, water 6uffalo, honey bees, rabbits, ducklings, sheep, llamas, heifers—provide foad and <br />income for fa�niIies around the world. When the animals reproduce, they are given to other <br />families in need, becoming a gift that keeps on giving. <br />In the years to com�, 1 will be thoughtful when making decisions that will affect other <br />people. T will give thanks for blessings in my life. I'll aiso rememher the quote by the Australian <br />Aboriginal woman, and be mindful �f my own circumstances and struggles when seeking ta <br />engage and help others. I will make an effort ta improve situations around me as I deepen my <br />understanding of human rights. <br />