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, <br />Ke�zie Lutz <br />8t�t Grade <br />Rosevilie Area Middle 5chool <br />Mr. Ueland <br />1 st Place <br />Human rights are a very important and serinus matter. Watching the news on tele�is�on I hear <br />about human rights violations that are happening all around me and all a�-ound the world. I hear st�ries <br />about women and children who are being raped and killed in Afriea and abouT peopie being tortured in <br />I��ag and Afghat�istan. M�rders, rapes, child abuse, and hate crimes are oceurring right here in the Twir� <br />C'ities as well. � cc�mpared these stories to my life ;rowing up in a�nicidle class Caucasian family in a <br />suUurb of St. Pat�l, Minnesota. I str�.2ggfed with id�ntifying what hurr�an rights issues I persona�Iy have <br />�x�erienced. After r�eadi�g �hrough the information t�n human riDhts, and taking some time to think <br />deeply about them, 1 began to understand how I persanally have l�een influenced by human rights. I <br />came to the conclusian that there are three ways in which my famiiy has been positively influenced i�y <br />}iL1iI1�1] i1a�1�5. <br />The first wa}� my famil�� has been influeE�ced was when my grandparents decided to adopt a child <br />ir�to their family. Aimc�st 30 years ago my grandparenis adapted a severely handicapped baby named <br />Emm}�. My Aunt Emmy was born with many heaith issues and my grandparents were tald that she <br />�.�vould ��c�t li�e to see her secor�e! l�irthday. My grandparents could have looked at Emmy and anly have <br />seen a cl�ild with a disability. Instead, they looked at Emmy as a hurnan bein; who deserved a hc�me, <br />Iove, a��d care. The Universal Declaratiai� of Huma�i Ri�hts says in Article Three that J�ou have t}�e ri�ht <br />tc� lite, lil�erty, and personaI security. The Hurr�an Rights dncuments are a standard of how hu�nans <br />should treai nther humans and I�elieve the decisiQn my grandparents made to raise a daughter with <br />disabilities iias den�onstrated t�ese ideals. Although En7rt�y is unaUle to taIk, walk, stand, or do an5�thing <br />far� herself, she was sti11 allowec� to jo to schoal. This foliows Artic�e Twenty�-Six that states that alf <br />hu�nans have a right to an educatian. Also, Ernmy has heen protected by Article Two af the Universal <br />Declaratio�i ot Human Rights by not t�eing discriminated aaainst. She was not �oaked at as too severety <br />