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r�lthau�h I wa�t my cousins to grow up and not experience discrimination as a result af their skin color, <br />I know that in reality we have nat arrived and we stilI have raom far improvement. T think of Nina and <br />Boi� as iny cousins, not as rny adopted causins vaho are African American. My cousins should not be <br />judged by the cc�lor af their skin or whether or nc�t t�ey look like their parents. My causins have a right <br />to be treated equally as outlined in Article One of the Declaration of Human Rigl�ts. <br />Lastly, I have learned about human rights through being involved with Compassion <br />International. Co�passion Iriternational is an organization that exists as a child advocacy group that <br />releases chifdren from spiritual, eco��omic, socia! and physieal poverty and enables them to become <br />responsible, fulfilled adults_ About six years ago, I was able ta ehoase a chiId for our iamily to sponsor. <br />I ck3ose a�irl who was a�c�ut my age irorrE India named Narlapati. In India, women are cUF�sidered <br />secc��id ciass citizens, In n�ral ai-eas, like wher-e Narlapati is frorn, education for girls is very lirnited. <br />The Universal Declaration of Hu�nan Rights in Article Twenty-Five says that you have the right to <br />adec�uate living standards. The tnone_y we pay each month helps provide food for Narlapati to eat, <br />�u��p9ies that she needs :For school, and medical attention if needed. The Ur�iversal Declaration of <br />Hurnan Rights also states that }'ou have the right to an education and that you have a r�bht to equalit}°. In <br />India as well as some otli�r• countries, many girls do nat get a proper educatic�n because most fa�nilies <br />cannc�t afford unifc�z�rns, books, and school supplies. Whe�i fa.milies are able to se��d a child to school, <br />they us�ally send a boy since giris are n�t cc�nsidered as equais. Girls are expected to s#ay at home ancf <br />help with chores. We think it is very importa��t that Narlapati attei�ds schoc�l ar�cf �et an education. We <br />f�ope ihat education will ope�l u� new opportunities for her and that sorr�eday she will be able to make a <br />differe�ce in her country. Socneday I rr�ay want tc� �;b to India and give to people who have nothin;. F <br />would ]ike to shaw peaple in India that me� and women are ec�uai. I would like them to see that their <br />whole count�}° would ber�efit by wornen �eing educated. <br />
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