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3/1/2010 10:38:08 AM
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3/1/2010 10:38:07 AM
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, January 07, 2009 <br />Page 5 <br />viable; and suggested that the applicant return after one (1) year advising the <br />Commission and City Council of other mitigating factors depending on the economic <br />climate. Commissioner Doherty advised that he was willing to let such a use apply for <br />one (1) year, but not for five (5) years. <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke advised that trailers on site would not be screened; and <br />opined that whether there was one (1) container, or 225, a trailer was simply a box with <br />wheels. Mr. Paschke opined, from staff’s perspective, he was not sure if there was a <br />need for screening of the trailers, allowing flexibility for the applicant; but noted that <br />outdoor storage was an entirely different matter. <br />MOTION <br />Member Bakeman moved, seconded by Member Doherty to RECOMMEND <br />APPROVAL of an INTERIM USE PERMIT for Joel McCarty, owner of the property at <br />2750 Cleveland Avenue, to allow temporary outdoor storage of a <br />MAXIMUM OF <br />TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE (225) semi-truck trailers AND/OR UNSTACKED <br />; based on the comments and findings of Sections 5 and 6, and the <br />CONTAINERS <br />recommendations of Section 7 of the project report dated January 7, 2009; and <br />CONDITIONS OF APRPOVAL as revised and dated January 7, 2009, <br />attached <br />, and detailed in the bench handout; and <br />hereto and made a part thereof <br />recognizing the comments in writing from Tom Noble of Cent Ventures LLC, and <br />subsequent staff comment via e-mail dated January 7, 2009; and further AMENDED <br />AS FOLLOWS by makers of the motion and acceptance of a friendly amendment: <br /> Access to this site shall be from Cleveland Avenue only; <br />? <br /> The applicant acknowledges, as discussed at tonight’s meeting, that issuance <br />? <br />of the IUP serves to eliminate any potential uses identified or apparent as non- <br />conformity issues as defined under Minnesota State Law; with staff directed to <br />review language of the conditions of approval with the City Attorney to ensure <br />clarity for all parties of intents and expectations; <br /> Outside storage uses shall be prohibited without further review of the IUP; <br />? <br /> Storage shall consist of only EMPTY trailers and/or EMPTY containers (known <br />? <br />as land/sea storage/shipping containers) <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would review with the City Attorney, and seek advice to <br />provide understandable language in a format to ensure that the applicant and City staff <br />are in agreement and clear as to the intent that the IUP will guide future uses, and no <br />other non-conforming uses will be considered; that the IUP will initiate future uses from <br />this point forward. <br />Commissioners concurred and by consensus, clarified to the applicant that if this IUP was <br />granted, use restrictions are enforceable and the applicant was clear that they were <br />giving up their right to assert any previous or perceived non-conforming use or their <br />continues use after the expiration of the IUP. <br />Commissioner Boerigter spoke in support of the motion; however opined that a longer <br />term may be appropriate, suggesting three (3) years rather than five (5) years; based on <br />the limited use and space available on the site for some period of time before it could be <br />marketed and/or developed. <br />AMENDMENT TO THE ORIGINAL MOTION <br />Member Boerigter moved, seconded by Member Wozniak, to modify the condition <br />of the original motion to allow the IUP to be valid from the day after it is approved <br />by the City Council for a term of three (3) rather than two (2) years. <br />[Amendment to the Original Motion] <br />Ayes: 4 (Best; Martinson; Wozniak; Boerigter) <br />Nays: 3 (Gottfried; Doherty; Bakeman) <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />
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