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3/1/2010 10:47:05 AM
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3/1/2010 10:47:03 AM
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Planning Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, November 04, 2009 <br />Page 10 <br />Mark Connolly, 240 West County Road C (corner of park), resident since <br />1975 <br />Mr. Connolly expressed his appreciation of Acorn Park and his tremendous <br />enjoyment of it. Mr. Connolly advised that he had originally thought the Parks & <br />Recreation Commission’s concern was just one of aesthetics; however, now he <br />was aware of other numerous questions. Mr. Connolly opined that Acorn Park <br />had gone through a lot of transformations; and that it appeared more were <br />pending. Mr. Connolly questioned, if the tower were installed, whether it would <br />impact future improvements, and if the installation made sense. Mr. Connolly <br />questioned the additional height to accommodate multiple users, making it more <br />of an eyesore. Mr. Connolly referenced the staff report several times with respect <br />to perceived impacts related to location and aesthetics, with disc golf played in <br />that area, in addition to hockey rink activities. Mr. Connolly expressed concern <br />with impacts to the huge Oak trees in the park and proposed location of the tower <br />in a large, clear area of the park. Mr. Connolly questioned the value of increased <br />Internet coverage versus impacts to the park used by thousand throughout the <br />year. Mr. Connolly questioned if this was the best use of a park versus locating <br />the tower in an industrial area along a highway, opining that it was totally out of <br />place in a park. Mr. Connolly further referenced the staff report related to <br />comments on the welcome the additional wireless Internet service; however, he <br />suggested that there was no data to support such rationale. Mr. Connolly opined <br />that this is not an improvement to the park, and would probably reduce <br />surrounding property values, an undesirable situation especially in a recession <br />with values already reduced. <br />Mark Gregory, 345 Transit Avenue <br />Mr. Gregory reviewed his credentials as a CFO for a company owning multiple <br />Arby’s franchises in numerous states, and the criteria used in reviewing <br />applications for variances to allow greater height for their pylon signs; as well as <br />impacts by other franchise signs blocking their signs. Mr. Gregory advised that, <br />when his firm repeatedly sought a 5-10’ variance, most cities required <br />submission of a rendering to all residents in the neighborhood to determine how <br />the sign would affect them. Mr. Gregory opined that this 150’ pole was proposed <br />in a residential neighborhood, not a commercial area, even though other more <br />suitable locations were available in commercial areas, or in Little Canada on the <br />other side of Rice Street. Mr. Gregory noted the misinformation provided in the <br />public post card notices; and how residents were unaware of the actual proposed <br />tower height and its potential impacts. Mr. Gregory encouraged the City to insist <br />upon a rendering for the actual tower height; and a broader notice area for those <br />who will also be visually impacted, especially with the additional tower height <br />being recommended. <br />Blanche Jensen, 245 West County Road C (across from park) <br />Ms. Jensen, as a frequent Acorn Park user, opined that the proposed pole was <br />ugly, and the area for the ground equipment was too large and the entire request <br />inappropriate. <br />Diane Farrell, 2671 Marion Street <br />Ms. Farrell agreed with her neighbors and those having previously spoken to this <br />issue; opining that the tower would be an eyesore in a park where children <br />played; and questioned safety issues with children climbing upon the pole and/or <br />ground equipment. <br />Richard Schaefer, 325 Brooks Avenue W (back yard abuts Acorn Park) <br />Mr. Schaefer concurred with previous comments; and the concerns expressed <br />from the reluctant agreement of the Parks & Recreation Commission, with the <br />Master Planning in process. Mr. Schaefer encouraged waiting until that study had <br />been completed before considering a request such as this. Mr. Schaefer opined <br />that the visuals provided of the proposed tower and existing light pole served as <br /> <br />
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