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The only fees AFS is requesting, if the grant is awarded, are a$3�O/Raute Mile/Year in <br />Mai��te�iance Fees w�iich based an the project 10� Route Mile N�twork pius providing 3 <br />pair on the existing �1FS network at 40 route iitzles these amount to ��9,OOO/year payable <br />on a rnan�hly basis or AFS wilI consider yearly paymenrs. This $49,OOO/year is the <br />curn��lat.i�e casts paya.ble by all the co�n3nunities in other �.�orc�s if there are 2.0 <br />comEnunities an a�erage each communiEy W[�uld pay $2,45�/year, obvi.ausl}r a norninal <br />amount for the number of fbers on a 140 rot��e rnile network. The A�'S Maintenance <br />a�;reenlent claes include that th� IRL7 has a provisi.on which states Ehat Ch� im�acied <br />con�r��tinity would pay tlte pro-ra.ta amouni, based. o�i th.e conir�iuni.ties strand cauz�t <br />div[ded by the tatal strands f�or �nreimbursed expenses required for 4elacations. The <br />con�tnu��i,t�.es' assistance would be helpful to provide ii�put to the path the route takes in <br />t11e cam�nunities,to mi.�imiz� any an�i.cipated or probable re3ocatioE�s, wh.ich input �vc�uld <br />�1oi be needed un.til mucll later �vheiz we are colfectiveiy sure tl�e grant wiI.t be awarded. <br />The AF� standard practt.ce is that �ve are responsible for all locates �n ttie A�'S <br />co�istr�ucCcd or existing roufes as �vell as �roviding NOC services for the same routes far <br />activeiy moni.toring for fiber cuts all ic�ithin the maii�.tenance agr�eement, <br />A.FS is asking for you.r support of this proposal a��d to be viewed by the N7"TA as. a <br />I'artner by ir�d.icating in wa-itin�; each community's ne�d or probiem and ��ow th.i.s project <br />snlv�s �hat need. Alsa, �ve need you. to state that t�ie com�nunities participated in <br /> the ro�xte ar�d �hat if au�arded you will to ut.ilizi��� the network for ihe <br />benefit ofthe cbn���unity. <br />I hope this ans�ver5 �tny items or concerns yau or tIie co�nmunities liave regarding <br />proj ect. <br />i tivant to �h�u� you for allpwuig AF� to preseni� ta tk�e in�vol��ed conl�iiunities last week <br />aird s�rnngly believe lhat we 11av� a winnable grant application. <br />�e again tha�l:� you for tllis oppar-kutiity and i� tlxcre are any q�estions nay bes# point oi� <br />voice contact is my mo�ilc at 58�-721-28� 5 or ern.ail: <br />Sincerely, <br />A.merican Fiber Systems, Inc. <br />avid N. Danc��a�c <br />Sr. Vice President af Corporate Developme�xt <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />