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<br />-r;;XTPLCT or.' HErms OF '''7ETI'TG I.JTi' THE <br />VILIJ' ,..,,<<: rei UNrIL (117 'J'f-IF 17 IUJ,. GE OF nos S\TlIoLE <br />F i\""SEY c:~mTTY, '!;Il'1NESOTA <br /> <br />j'33J <br /> <br />February 23, 1960 <br /> <br />r'ursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meetinp; of the !Tillage <br />Council of the Villaf'"c of F'oseville, 'I:::.nnesota, was duly held at the Village <br />Hall in said villare on Tuesday., the 23rd of February, 1960, at n :00 0' clOCK <br />P.H. <br /> <br />The foll01-Jing members vere nresent: tJ.l and the fol101,rjnp' 1,'le1'e posent: ~Tone <br /> <br />Trustee ;~hielcls intrO(ll1Ced and "'1()':Ted the adontio:1 of the follm'Tino' TE's011Jtion: <br /> <br />RESOI/TTI~':'I: f,~D:.~,)ITI:'IG PU:.~Tst.~n 3.?ECIPICt.TI~,':\TS I.)P) OPDEPIlTGAD\TEP.TIi()~.i:VEl:T <br />FOP 3FiS <br /> <br />\JHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Village Council on A1JpuSt 7, <br />19$9, the Villap-e Enp-ineers, Bmlister Co., have nrepared "T')lans <br />pnc'l sDPcifications for Project S and Project 6 of Sanitary Sewer l:n~rovement <br />l,To. 3 and 11ave nresenterl such plans and specifications to the Coun~:il for <br />apnro'ral. <br /> <br />THEREFORE, BF IT 'R-r;;SOLiTETJ llY THE '\TII,IAGE COUlTCIL OF 'iCJSBYILLE, ?'"nT"JESOTA: <br /> <br />1. Such plans and sneeifications., eODies of v.Thich are attached hereto, <br />and made a nart hereof, are hereby anDroved. <br /> <br />2. The Village (,;lerk sbll preparE" and cause to be inserted in the <br />Pose Tribune, the official naper, and in the Construction 3ulletin an <br />advertisement for bids upon the mpking of such impr()':Tements under f''llch <br />approved plans and specifications. The advertisement ::-;1'1all be published as <br />required by law, shall spe dfy the work to be done, shall call for bids <br />upon the basis of 8 cash payment for such ~^JOrk, shall state th;:lt, bids ",rill <br />be opened and considered by the council at 11: 30 0 I clock A .I;. on rTarch 25, 1960, <br />in the Council Chambers of the 7illage Hall, that no bids vJill be considered <br />unless sealed and filed vn th the Clerk and accomnanied bv a cash denosi t or <br />certtfied check payable to the Clerk for ten Dercel1t (1di) of the a~lOunt of <br />such biel and that the advertisement shall state a comnletio:'1 date of <br />September 1, 1960. ' <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption for the foregoinp resolution lms duly seconc1erl <br />by Trustee ]"lanagan, and lJpOn vote being taken, the follo'^Tlng "oted in f'81T()r: f,ll <br />and the f'ollowing voted ;:tC"ainst: None <br /> <br />"I:HF" EUPQlIJ said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />