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Attachment C <br />City of Roseville ~?n ch ~ hd o ~- <br />ORDINANCE NO. a/ a a./ ~ o <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />TITLE 8 ADDING CHAPTER 803 STORM WATER ILLICIT DISCHARGE AND <br />CONNECTIONS• TITLE 5 DELETING 502.03C DISCHARGE OF CESSPOOLS• and <br />AMENDING TITLE 9 905.03E CONDITIONS <br />~--.~-vr~-rDCV~v~ i~T~,T j <br />1SLC-In7r <br />CTlli)*;r ~~-T~-TTY T!"'TT r~TC~!'LlADl~~ A1~TTl r'nATT~T~/"'TTl11~7c~ nnr~r~ <br />1 THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE ORDAINS: vy ~ al,L <br />2 SECTION 1: Title 8 Section 3 of the Roseville Cit Code is amended to read as follows: <br />3 803.03: STORM WATER ILLICIT DISCHARGE AND CONNECTIONS <br />4 A. Purpose: <br />5 The purpose of the ordinance is to promote, preserve and enhance the natural resources within the City <br />6 and protect them from adverse effects caused by non-storm water discharge by regulating discharges <br />7 that would have an adverse and potentially irreversible impact on water quality and environmentally <br />8 sensitive land. This ordinance will provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of <br />9 the City of Roseville through the regulation of non-storm water discharges to the storm drainage system <br />10 to the maximum extent practicable as required by federal and state law. This ordinance establishes <br />11 methods for controlling the introduction of pollutants into the municipal separate storm sewer system <br />12 (MS4) in order to comply with requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br />13 (NPDES) permit process. The objectives of this ordinance are: <br />14 1. To regulate the contribution of pollutants to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) by <br />15 storm water discharges by any person. <br />16 2. To prohibit Illicit Connections and Discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system <br />17 3. To establish legal authority to carry out all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures <br />18 necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance <br />19 B. Definitions: <br />20 For the purposes of this ordinance, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall have <br />21 the meaning stated below. <br />22 1. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP): Erosion and sediment control and water quality <br />23 management practices that are the most effective and practicable means of controlling, preventing, and <br />24 minimizing the degradation of surface water, including construction-phasing, minimizing the length of <br />25 time soil areas are exposed, prohibitions, and other management practices published by state or <br />26 designated area-wide planning agencies. <br />27 (i) Non-structural BMP: Practices that focus on preserving open space, protecting natural systems, and <br />28 incorporating existing landscape features such as wetlands and stream corridors to manage storm <br />29 water at its source. Other practices include clustering and concentrating development, minimizing <br />30 disturbed areas, and reducing the size of impervious areas. <br />31 (ii) Structural BMP: a physical device that is typically designed and constructed to trap or filter <br />32 pollutants from runoff, or reduce runoff velocities. <br />33 I 2. Commercial: Activity conducted in connection with a business <br />34 ?:3_DISCHARGE: Adding, introducing, releasing, leaking, spilling, casting, throwing, or emitting any <br />35 pollutant, or placing any pollutant in a location where it is likely to pollute waters of the state. <br />36 ~ ~-:4_EQUII'MENT: Implements used in an operation or activity. Examples include, but are not limited to; <br />37 lawn mowers, weed whips, shovels, wheelbarrows and construction equipment. <br />38 ~ 4.5_EROSION: any process that wears away the surface of the land by the aCtlon of water, wind, iCe, or <br />39 gravity. Erosion can be accelerated by the activities of man and nature. <br />