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~ _ a <br />Please Share Your Comment, Question or Concern: Greetings all, <br />I have been looking over the general plan for adjustments to the current liquor <br />ordinance and manager/server training. We have always been diligent in all matters regarding <br />the sale of alcohol to minors/inebriated customers/etc. and it is first and foremost on our <br />minds that we continue to keep alcohol away from those who shouldn't have it. We have always <br />been extremely efficient in training our staff with materials the city has provided us over <br />time as well as creating/using an extensive manual that we have assembled with great amounts <br />of research from our chain of stores. My concern is that we will be forced to undergo <br />repetitive training on issues we are well trained already. I have been in the industry for <br />over 22 years and have worked in many cities with varying requirements for server training. <br />I have personally taken 4 rounds of TIPS training at 3 hours each over the years as well as <br />numerous other training courses. Many of my staff have as well. I would like to suggest <br />that there be some sort of thing like the city of Bloomington does wherein there is leniency <br />on policy for every year you pass all stings and have no issues with sales to minors. Staff <br />training on a yearly basis can cost large amounts of money (we still have to pay staff for <br />their time even if the course is offered free)in an already tight economy. A thought would <br />be that maybe staff just need to retake course work every 3rd or 5th year, with a povision <br />that managers that have gone thru training 3 or more times only have to retrain every 10 <br />years. If there were a failure in compliance, then that store's/restaurant's staff would be <br />required as a punishment that they undergo yearly training for a period of 3 years before <br />being allowed to have leniency returned. The city of Plymouth mandates that 90% of staff <br />have to have had training within the previous 3 years as long as everybody has undergone a 3 <br />hour TIPS style training course once. It seems like overkill for management and staff to <br />have to possibly undergo up to 30 hours every decade in server training. Even 10 hours a <br />decade is more than a person such as myself should be required to undertake when I have close <br />to 50 hours under my belt already! Obviously we are very aware of the responsibilities our <br />industry carries as our record should prove. <br />Also, I feel that should somebody get a 3rd violation within 3 years that a 60 day <br />suspension would be about the equivalent of a revocation as 95% of license holders businesses <br />would fail if they had to shut their doors for 2 months. A two week suspension would send a <br />very strong message to all involved as well as others in the city. <br />Finally, although we have not been cited in over a decade, I think that establishments <br />that currently have violations on their record should be "grand-fathered in" on old policy <br />for a period of the next 3 years as the new standards are clearly much more detrimental to <br />the livelihood of the owners and the many good people that work for them.. <br />Thank you for your time on these matters, <br />Rod Olson (manager) <br />The Cellars Wines and Spirits of Roseville <br />Additional Information: <br />Form submitted on: 2/2/2010 4:40:11 PM <br />Submitted from IP Address: <br />Form Address: http•// <br />z <br />