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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 8 <br />City Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed this item as detailed in the RCA <br />dated February 22, 2010. <br />Councilmember Roe confirmed that this purchase would not be depreciated for <br />future replacement under the City's Capital Investment Plan (CIP), and would be <br />purchased only if additional grant funds were received at that time; but asked that, <br />while minimal annual operational costs were indicated (i.e., fuel and mainten- <br />ance) in the staff report, that those budget implications should be acknowledged <br />for future reference and public knowledge. <br />Roe moved, Johnson seconded, approval for the Police Department to accept <br />funding to be used exclusively to cover the cost of the purchase of one (1) multi- <br />use Special Response/Haz-NMat/Bomb-Response/Mobile Command Vehicle for <br />East Metro SWAT; specifically the Lenco Bearcat; as detailed in the RCA dated <br />February 22, 2010. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />b. Discuss Request by Resident at 410 S McCarrons for City Participation in <br />Sanitary Sewer Service Repairs (former Consent Item 7.0) <br />City Manager Bill Malinen briefly reviewed this item as detailed in the RCA <br />dated February 22, 2010. City Manager Malinen advised that staff, City legal <br />counsel, and the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT) were all in <br />agreement that the request should be denied, and that the City had no obligation <br />for the cost reimbursement being requested by the homeowner for the repair of <br />her sanitary sewer service line for which the homeowner was responsible. <br />Ms. Bobbie Carpenter, 410 S McCarrons Boulevard <br />Ms. Carpenter spoke to her understanding that the problem was not in her service <br />line, but under the City street, where the line had frozen and caused the backup <br />and damage to her home, both in 2007 and in 2009, and questioned her recourse if <br />it should happen yet again. Ms. Carpenter advised that she had paid to have the <br />line thawed and the roadbed dug up, even though the frozen portion belonged to <br />the City or Ramsey County, and was not on her property. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that had been in the past and continued to be a <br />common point of confusion for homeowners, but explained that, while the street <br />right-of--way extends out from the front yard, the ownership of the service line <br />pipe goes to the sewer main connection; and that the homeowner was responsible <br />for any repairs or replacement, based on City policy and ordinance. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Roe's explanation; and further <br />clarified that the City was found to have no legal liability, and the City would ei- <br />