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Housing Plan – 2005 Page 19 Roseville HRA <br />ii. Increase opportunities for Young Family Housing through the funding <br />of the Senior Housing Regeneration Program (SHRP) and evaluation of <br />additional new small lot single family sites. – Provided funding in <br />2005 for SHRP <br /> <br />iii. Recommend that the Planning Commission evaluate the benefits and <br />drawbacks of reducing the existing required lot size to allow for more <br />affordable small lot single family infill development (similar to <br />Applewood). <br /> <br />iv. Provide additional study regarding the opportunities and challenges of <br />aging in neighborhoods to determine the appropriate balance. <br />(seniors/young families) <br /> <br />v. Recommend that the Planning Commission evaluate the benefits and <br />drawbacks of allowing small senior accessory units within single family <br />zoning districts. <br /> <br />5. Policy Statement: Support the existing HRA goal to “prohibit intrusion of <br />incompatible land uses to preserve neighborhoods”. <br /> <br />a. Possible Action Steps : - evaluated annually for implementation within budget <br />resources <br /> <br />i. Recommend codes be strengthened regarding buffering between <br />residential and commercial land uses. <br /> <br />ii. Evaluate budget resources and other funding resources to provide <br />matching funds to create better buffers between residential and <br />commercial uses that are existing and/or non-conforming. <br /> <br />iii. Refer residents to trained mediat ors to help resolve resident <br />disputes with non-re sidential neighbors. <br /> <br />iv. Encourage conversations among Northwestern College, Bethel College, <br />and neighborhoods close to their campuses to better plan for the <br />future and resolve current issues. <br /> <br />6. Policy Statement: Strive to be an informed community that communicates <br />effectively with new and existing residents and property owners so that there is <br />adequate knowledge of housing programs and city codes. <br /> <br />a. Possible Action Steps : - evaluated annually for implementation within budget <br />resources <br />