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10/25/2011 8:10:16 AM
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3/17/2010 2:42:07 PM
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Roseville Owner Occupied Loan Progr am Funding (8-18-07) - Page 2 of 4 <br /> <br />2.2 On average $8,000 in loan principal and inte rest revolve back into the loan pool. <br />Approximately 4-5 loans are fully paid each year and the funds are filtered back into the loan <br />pool to provide additional loans. (Refer to principal and interest report). <br /> <br />2.3 Looking over the life of the program since 2000, th e average income of residents who have <br />received loans is $69,000. Therefore, the program has historically been providing funds to <br />households with median income. There is no income restriction on the ownership loan <br />program and there are approximately 20 loans or 17% of the total number of loans that have <br />been issued to households making more th an $94,200 which is above the current 120% of <br />median income limitation for a family of 4. Ther efore, it is estimated that 83% of loans are <br />serving households of median income. <br /> <br />2.4 The originating goals of the ownership loan program are: <br /> <br />a. Spur reinvestment in Roseville’s housing stock. <br />b. Target mid-income households. <br />c. Be simple and easy to use <br />d. Be sustainable and revolving. <br />e. Not duplicate other available programs. <br /> <br />2.5 The ownership loan program is designed to m eet the needs of middle income families. <br />There are many other state and county programs that specifically serve lower income <br />households with deferred payment and lower interest. The RHRA has established that an <br />affordable workforce income limit be 120% of th e area median income for a family of four. <br />The State and County programs typically serve in comes that are 80% of median income or <br />below and the RHRA’s programs are not de signed to duplicate these state and county <br />programs but supplement them. <br /> <br />*2005 Median Income: $77,000.00 *2006 Median Income: $78,500.00 <br /> 80% of Median: $61,600.00 80% of Median: $62,800.00 <br /> 120% of Median: $92,400.00 120% of Median: $94,200.00 <br /> <br />2.6 In 2006, the median single family home asse ssed market value was $233,000. In addition, <br />63.8% of the single family homes are under an assessed value of $250,000 and 91% are <br />under $350,000 (Refer to attached valuation map). The existing Family Ownership Program <br />and Redesign Program both have assessed value limitations of $251,856 for 2007. There <br />have only been 4 family loans issued since its inception in 2006. A direct mail campaign for <br />this program was sent to all households that were below the assessed value limit in May <br />2006. This generated many calls but did not resu lt in a large amount of loans. The lower <br />activity level could be due to the assessed valu e limit but is also due to the child under the <br />age of 16 limitations. In the last month, staff has turned down several inquiries from families <br />(the HRA’s target market) for the Redesign Program due to those residents having a home <br />assessed value above the current limit. <br /> <br />
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