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considered on an individual basis and that he w ould be sure to exhaust all other options before <br />considering the use of these funds. The board also had a brief discussion about the lack of social <br />service programs available to address many of th e associated issues that often accompany code <br />violation cases. <br /> <br />Motion: Member Millasovich moved, seconded by Member Elkins, to approve a transfer of funds <br />for supplies needed to correct the code violation at 2745 Hamline up to $100 from HRA Fund <br />723. to Code Enforcement Fund .424000. <br /> <br />Ayes: 6 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion: Member Masche moved, seconded by Me mber Maschka, to approve the administrative <br />use of HRA funds up to $500 per case with a total annual budget of $2,500 to address code <br />violations where the homeowner has no other fina ncial resources to correct the violation such as <br />income below 50% of the current area median income, is elderly or has a disability. The funds <br />may be used based upon these criteria at the written request of the Permits Coordinator and <br />administrative approval of the Community Developm ent Director. The use of funds will then be <br />reported on a quarterly basis along with the HRA quarterly report. <br /> <br />Ayes: 6 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />9. Information Reports & Other Business (Verbal Reports by Staff and Board Members): <br /> <br />a. Discuss HRA Recommendations for City of Roseville Imagine 2025 Goals <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett summarized this item, noting that th e City Council had requested feedback on the <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 document from all city commissions. Ms. Bennett noted that the HRA <br />held a special meeting on August 7, 2007 in part to discuss the Imagine Roseville 2025 document <br />and the recommendations from that meeting will be forwarded to the City Council. <br /> <br /> <br />b. Discuss Status of Housing Improvement Area - Westwood Village I <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett provided an update on the status of the Housing Improvement Area (HIA) for <br />Westwood Village I noting that Member Elkins , Finance Director Chris Miller and former <br />Community Development Director John Stark met with Bremer Bank to discuss potential <br />financing methods. As a result of that discussi on, Bremer Bank submitted a letter to Mr. Miller <br />detailing their terms for loaning funds to the city . Ms. Bennett indicated that the letter would be <br />reviewed by the City’s Bond Council and then brought before the City Council for discussion. <br />Ms. Bennett also suggested that the HRA consider requiring associations that seek this type of <br />funding to create a financial plan to demonstrate their ability to manage and repay said funds. <br /> <br />Member Pust wondered if Bremer Bank had an y loan programs that did not require city <br />participation. Member Elkins noted that the association has no assets; therefore the bank is <br />hesitant to provide a loan without that guarantee. Ms. Bennett also noted that the collateral issue <br />would be very difficult to resolve in a private loan. If it could be overcome, the loan term would <br />be no more than seven years with an interest rate much higher than what the city would charge. <br /> <br />Member Masche noted that the presence of city staff at the Bremer Bank meeting indicated to the <br />bank its willingness to make progress. Member Masche noted that Westwood Village I was