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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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Last modified
10/25/2011 8:10:16 AM
Creation date
3/17/2010 2:42:46 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Housing Redevelopment Authority
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Member Kelsey inquired about private financing availa ble to Westwood Village I. Ms. Bennett indicated <br />that private financing is available; however the relativ ely short term of the loan and collateral issues make <br />it difficult for Westwood Village I to exercise that option. Ms. Bennett noted that the HRA should <br />examine an analysis of all of the financial opti ons available to Westwood Village I before making a <br />recommendation to the City Council. <br /> <br /> <br />c. Update on HRA Staffing <br /> <br />Chair Majerus asked City Manager Bill Malinen to provi de an update on the status of HRA staffing. Mr. <br />Malinen explained that the HRA had expressed interest in having the Community Development Director <br />serve as HRA Executive Director. The HRA also approved the hiring of a part-time Housing Coordinator <br />position to support the Executive Director. Mr. Malinen noted that the hiring of a Housing Coordinator <br />has been delayed due to the resignation of former Community Development Director John Stark. Mr. <br />Malinen indicated that the selection process for a new Community Development Director was underway <br />and he recommended waiting until that position is filled before hiring a Housing Coordinator. <br /> <br />Mr. Malinen noted that Interim Community Developm ent Director Mike Darrow, a consultant for the <br />consulting firm Short, Elliot, Hendrickson (SEH), will assume the role as HRA Executive Director. Mr. <br />Malinen suggested utilizing SEH as a resource until the permanent staffing positions have been filled. <br />Member Pust inquired about the financial implications involved in using the consulting firm for HRA <br />matters. Mr. Malinen explained that Mr. Darrow was contracted for a set number of hours each week; the <br />HRA would incur a cost in the event that his HRA du ties cause him to exceed those hours. Mr. Malinen <br />also advanced the possibility of Mr. Darrow ad justing the time devoted to various Community <br />Development and HRA duties as needed (so as to not exceed his weekly contract hours). <br /> <br />Member Kelsey expressed a concern that the HRA have consistency in going through the strategic <br />planning process. Member Masche agreed. The board discussed starting the strategic planning process as <br />soon as possible and the possibility of utilizing Mr. Darro w and SEH to facilitate that process. The board <br />directed Chair Majerus and Mr. Malinen to obtain a proposal from SEH outlining the timeline and costs <br />the HRA would incur if they sought the firm’s assistance in the strategic planning process. <br /> <br /> <br />d. Discussion on HRA Involvement in Code Enforcement <br /> <br />Chair Majerus explained that this is a follow-up discussi on to explore the need for the HRA to take a role <br />in code the enforcement process. Member Maschka as ked Member Pust for an update of the City Council <br />involvement in this matter. Member Pust indicated that the Council has expressed interest in having an <br />in-depth discussion with the City’s code enforcement staff to evaluate the effectiveness of the current <br />process and determine if there is a need for change in the current procedure, ordinance or resources <br />associated with code enforcement. <br /> <br />Member Kelsey wondered if the code enforcement process is complaint-driven. Chair Majerus invited <br />Permits Coordinator Don Munson to pr ovide a brief review of current c ode enforcement procedures. Mr. <br />Munson explained that the code-enforcement process is largely complaint-driven; however, staff will <br />address issues that are discovered during the course of performing their duties out in the community. Mr. <br />Munson noted that there are typically 300-500 propert ies (residential and commercial) that generate <br />complaints each year. Mr. Munson indicated that there have been approximately 350 complaint cases <br />opened in 2007. Mr. Munson explained that there is one land use inspector to respond to complaints in <br />the city and a backlog of complaint cases occurs dur ing the busy summer months. Mr. Munson noted that <br />Land Use Inspector Rick Talbot is able to work through that backlog during the winter months. <br /> <br /> <br />
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