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<br />Do you want to do your part ta reduce pollution to
<br />our lakes, streams and wetfands and beautify your
<br />yard at the same time? The City of Raseville and
<br />Rai�sey Conservatian District are sponsoring a 3-
<br />hour workshop an Water-smart landscaping. There
<br />is no cost io attend and pre-registration is �referred
<br />as space is iimited to the first 40 participants. The
<br />workshop will be held at:
<br />Rose�ifle City Hafl
<br />2660 Ci�ic Center Drive
<br />Thursday, May Sth
<br />�rom 6:00 pm fio 9:�U pm.
<br />You will learn:
<br />• How you car� manage your praperty to improve
<br />and pratect the water quality in our lakes;
<br />strear�s, wetlands.
<br />o How to assess your proper#y #or things like rain
<br />gardens, native gardens, permeable
<br />pavements, green roofs, rain barrels and
<br />cisterns.
<br />• How to proper[y design and install a water
<br />srnar� landscape.
<br />• Available financiai assistance from government
<br />agencies
<br />To reserve your place, please cal( Deb Bloom, City
<br />of Roseviile, 651-792-7042 ar email at:
<br />❑eb.bloom[a�ci.rosevil[e.mn.us . Seatir�g is limited.
<br />What is water smart landscaping?
<br />In a suburban setting, much of the Iand is covered
<br />by imperv�o€�s su�-faces - such as streets,
<br />driveways, and roofs - where the water cannot soak
<br />into the ground, When rainwater falls on hard
<br />surfaces –ii flows in#o storm sewers. This mo�ing
<br />water, caEled stormwater runoff, is then piped
<br />un#reated into our lakes, ponds and wetlands.
<br />Stormwater runoff pollution occurs when grass
<br />clippings, lea�es, sand, soil, fier#ilizer, pesticides,
<br />mator oil; animal waste and other contaminants are
<br />washed in#o the storm sewer system.
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<br />Water smart Eandscaping is Pari of the soiution to
<br />water polluiion because it mimics nature and
<br />natural hydrology. In natural landscapes, rain tends
<br />to soak into the ground gradual[y.
<br />You can add variety and interest to your landscape
<br />by choosing from hundreds of nati�e plants certain
<br />fo flourish in a variety of soil types arrd light
<br />cortditions. Form countless combinations of natives
<br />and design a garden that blaoms all seasan iong,
<br />�awn chair landscaping —You can practically tend
<br />your nafive garden from yaur lawn chair—they're
<br />that easy. Nati�es are hardy, easily surviving harsh
<br />winters, summer heat, and even drought. Onc�
<br />established, native garder�s need �ery li#tle
<br />weeding, watering, mulching or mowing and so, are
<br />virtually maintenance-free.
<br />Easy on the wallet---Hardly ever buy replacement
<br />plants, annuais, fe�tiiizers, and pes�icides again.
<br />Plus, once established, nati�e pfants need no
<br />waiering, sa�ing thousands of gallons each year.
<br />(Lawn waiering accounts for 50% of Midwesterners'
<br />home water usage!) For every lawn problem,
<br />there's a cost-effective native plant solution.
<br />Kind t� crrfters—Nati�e gardens provide a natural
<br />habitat as well as nectar, pallen, and seeds for
<br />bees, butterflies, birds and other wildlife; while
<br />discouraging Canada geese and the mess they
<br />leav� behind.
<br />What is best for my yard?
<br />Better landscapes result from a balanced mix of
<br />turfgrass fawns andlor oth�r traditionally mar�icured
<br />poriiar�s with areas that can use plants that require
<br />less maintenance: Haw the �alance is made
<br />depends on what is appropriate for the o�erali
<br />situatior�. Also, what is appropriate for one Part of a
<br />yard may be completeiy inappropriate in anather
<br />part. Many fac�ors should be consider�d in making
<br />planning decisions for any �andscape praject. Some
<br />of these are:
<br />• site conditions such as soii type and shade;
<br />• functional or use requirements such as play
<br />areas and structures;
<br />