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�'e"C+F ,. � � Y Y f ✓��,� ,. <br />, y� �� _��� � �:� -+�r..,* r��' � � . � :..,- ""v� ..�N ''""� +�' <br />...�`� .!:'% `°r.-'� . �' r�` " ��,'.,�'" � � <br />by Phif �ischer, Director of Marketing Communications, Th� Egan Company <br />reen is big! And I'rn not talking <br />about the Packer faithfi�l to our <br />east ar genera] Green Bay hys- <br />terics. No, today green is big everywhere, <br />and getting more so every day, especially <br />in the construction and building manage- <br />rnent arenas. Green is becoming the new <br />Gold Standard. <br />To paraphrase 3im Bochat of the National <br />Environmental BalancingBoard, "ifevery <br />building in America improved its e-fFiciency <br />by 10%, we wouldn't ha�e lo import a sin- <br />gie barrel of oil." Wow! Of course it's noi <br />quite that simple when buildings are old, <br />impravements are costly, and opinions and <br />ways oidoing business are deeply rooted. <br />Enter "the Green Movement." lt's smart. <br />It's responsible. It's do-able. It's every- <br />wher�. It includes reshaping everything <br />on the horizon as it relates to commercial <br />praperty: energy efficient buildi�ig designs, <br />construction, operation, maintenance, <br />recycling and removal. Mast importantly, <br />it includes reshaping the opinions, beliefs, <br />attitudes and actions af people inside <br />those huildings. <br />According to published figures, buildings <br />consurne 70% of the electricity produced <br />in the U.S., generate 6S% of the waste in <br />land�lis, emit 48%of the green house <br />gasses, use 1 Z% of the potable water <br />a�ailable, and account far 39% of our tota] <br />energy use. Obviausly, we have something <br />to wark with here. <br />For architects, designers, contractors; <br />owners, property rnanagers and residents <br />oibuildings, there is a responsibility to <br />learn ta live in a way that is both resource- <br />ful and respectful ta ihe environment. <br />At the center of al] this is the United <br />States Green Bui€ding Counci] (USG�C) <br />and the Leadership in Energy & Environ- <br />menta] �esign (LEED) Program. Basicaily, <br />through the LEEI� Frogram, buildings are <br />ceitified and peopie are accredited as being <br />goad players, citizens or stewards of the <br />planet, aur environment, and its inhabit- <br />ants as a whole. The goal of all af this is <br />to promote buildings that are environmen- <br />tally responsible, profitable and healthy <br />places to [ive and work. <br />In order to achieve accreditation s€atus, <br />countless hours of study, testing and <br />commitment are required. Still, this is a <br />goa] many companies feel is im�ortant, in <br />terms of skill development, market under- <br />standing, and grow#h potential. <br />Since the program began in 2061, more than <br />40,000 people have become LEED Accred- <br />ited Professionals nationwide. What €his <br />means, is [hat those who are accredited <br />have "demonstraied a thorough under- <br />standing of green building practices and <br />principEes, and the LEED Rating 5ystem." <br />Besides the knowledge, qualsfications and <br />opportunities it provides, it is just plain <br />the rigl�t and sensible thing to c�o — <br />being good stewards nf the land and our <br />resources. <br />5o is this new movement a trend or is it <br />here to stay? According to Nationa[ <br />pub[ic Radio, "an estimated �] 0 billion oi <br />`green buildings' were in the pracess �f <br />construction during 2007 in the United <br />States." That number is expected to jump <br />ciramatically this year. In publications from <br />The New }'ork 7'imes to The Wall Street <br />Jow��aal to Twin Cities Business, Fortune, <br />and even Vanrry FAir, the rriedia have run <br />countless articles and stories document- <br />ing the impact. And according to one <br />report, The Discovery Channel plans to <br />start a 24-hour channel this year facusing <br />on eco-frie�idly living, ln addition, the <br />channel plans to ha]d a"Planet Green <br />Innovation Conference," wiih business <br />ieaders, scientists and conservation <br />experts coming together ta discuss and <br />promote the subjeci. Sounds to me like <br />this movement has legs. <br />On the financial iront, venture capitalists <br />are seeing green by "pumping more than <br />GOING GREEN conrinued from page 3 <br />$1 billion inta the fast-grawing clean <br />technology industry in 2006;" according <br />to Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal. <br />And locally, even the rnayors of Minne- <br />apolis and St, Pau] are jumping on the <br />bandwagon by exploring ways to turn the <br />Twin Cities into a green building products <br />manufacturing Mecca, in order to capital- <br />ize on construction Erends while improving <br />our environment. Combine this with the <br />thousands to millions of dollars that Xcel <br />Energy is spending through its <br />"ConservationWise irom �ce] Energy" <br />commercial real estate effciency program, <br />and yov see that "Going Green" is deii- <br />nitely the way ta go. <br />So far the net results of th.e green move- <br />ment, while sii]] a little hard to quantify, <br />Going Gr•een continued on page 5 <br />show trends moving in the rigM direction. <br />For owners and managers, green bui3d- <br />ings result in an $% to 9% reductian in <br />operating costs, and a 2% to 16% increase <br />in worker productivity resulCing from a <br />heahhier environment, <br />Whether it's wind turbines on the prairie, <br />solar callectors on the roof or environ- <br />mentally friend�y cleaning supplies in <br />the janitor closet, green thinking is a <br />management philosophy worth noting. <br />One that can lead to a more profitable <br />and healthy ]andscape. � <br />Phil Frscher <br />Dif•ector Markelirtg Communications <br />Egan Compnny <br />763-732-7441 <br />CIC;MIDWESI' NEWS.. ,. 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