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_. '`�":. <br />��� <br />Tc� provide necessary sta f f su f��ar-t t� mnke sure that tf:e g�c�!s <br />ar�d abjectives pre cr�rried out c�tr a cfaify basis. <br />• The Community Development Director of the City of Roseville shall <br />serve as the Executive Di�°ector of the Rosetrille HRA. <br />• The Housing Caordinato�°, alot7g ti�th necessary staf�f and/or <br />consultants, H�ill implement day to day tasks for all aspects of� the <br />HRA. <br />• Actively promote education, gr•owth, and advancement of <br />employees, board membcrs and community members. <br />• Quarterly Progress Reports on all funding sources, grant programs <br />and the oveeall opera[ions oi the R<3seville HRA �vill be proF�idec3 to <br />che HRA board. <br />�otiin�; nr�d buildirf� �raciiccs sl�a1! �e develo{�ed which �r�o�}crly <br />mt�intoitt the exisfin� hausitt�; s#�ck within itye City o f Rosevr!lc�. <br />• T�e HRA will wark with the City Council to develop code <br />enforcement policies aimed at preventing nuisance properties From <br />negatively impacting surrounding properties, <br />The �-�RA tvili work with Community Development staff to enhance <br />code enfo�-cement efforts within the Housing Maintenan�e Sec[ion <br />of the Ciry Code. <br />Code en forcerr�ent wtl! continu� to be a cerrtra! �art in <br />�reservrng housir�g vrithin the City of Rosevil�e. <br />The HItA will support regular and pei-iodic building ins�ections as <br />well as the rental registration program �tihich will increase the <br />likelihood that the housin� stack and x�ental property will b� well <br />maintained. <br />• Develop a proactive process for cade enforeement tllat is supported <br />by the City C:ouncil. <br />ihe F�(RA wil! develop sustt�ir�qble satutions to housing througtr <br />grec�n buildir�g �rirtiatives. <br />• llevelop standards for sUp�ortin� green building techniques, <br />including the Use oF alternative buiIding materials and recyciing of <br />building materials (wherever feasible) in ne�v canstruction and <br />rehabilitation. <br />• Leverage technological advances in the areas of energy and tivater <br />conservation, nattaral drainage systems and �vastewater treatment <br />and incorporate them into the design of ne�v and rena�-ated housing <br />units. <br />• Promote transit-oriented de�elopment by conduc[ing {and funciing) <br />�lanning at key transit nades. <br />• Work �ti�ith ]ocal utility companies to esCab]'ssh and expand programs <br />to encourage improvements to �roperties that increase energy <br />efficSency and conserr=ation of resources. <br />. ,_� ,,dc h�:. sn.� ,�1� �,�; �e '� , ? <br />