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Motiort: Member EIkins moved, seconded by Chair Majerus, to ap�ro�e tl�e Housin� Redesign <br />Program Application for o�ti�ners at 2497 Brenner Street in Rasevi3le per the program <br />requirements. <br />Aves: 4 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstaln: ] Me�nber Millasovich abstained from the vote on this item. <br />Motion carried. <br />10. Information Reports & Other Business (Verbal Reports by Staff and Board Met�nbers): <br />a. Board and Staff Reports <br />Mr. Trudgeon pror�ided a bench handout on LEED certi�cat5on and noted that two of the twelve LEED- <br />certified buildings in Minnesota are ]acated in Roseville: the Karges-FaIconbridge and 5ebesta Blomberg <br />buildings. Mr. Trudgean noted that staff was in the process of arranging for a taur af the Karges- <br />�alconbridge building for the City Councii, Planning Commission and the HRA. <br />Mr. Trudgeon provided an up�ate nn the Neighborhood Enhancement Program. Mr. Trudgeon indicated <br />that he has recei�ed only positi�e feedback from the neighborhood. Mr. Trud�eon noted that the prp�-ram <br />is designed to educate and encourage residents to camply with city cades, primarily focusing on <br />junk/deY�ris, junked vehicles, property maintenance, cammercial vehicles and equipment in residentia] <br />zones, outside storage and grass over S" 3�igh. Mr. Trudgeon noted thaf ]etters have been mailed to t�e <br />first neighborhood in the program and inspecfiians would start next week. Mr. Trudgeon indicated that <br />staff will report on the progz'am's progress at the Ju]y HRA me�ting. <br />Member Pust encoUraged staff to weigh in on the code enforcement disc�assions found on the Roseville <br />Issues Forurrt ta correct misconceptions or misstatements about the issue. Mr. Trudgeon reviewed same <br />o1'tE�e rules fdr eommon code enforcement issues and noted that these rules are posted on the city website <br />as we11 as inc�udEd in the edticatiqnal materials that are sent to a neighborhood before inspections begin. <br />Mr. Trudgeon reviewed expenditsares to date ($1950) for accelerated abatements, noting that one of those <br />involved cutting the grass at a foreclosed property. Mr. Trudgeon noted that every abatement goes before <br />the City Council for approval. Mr. Trudgeon suggested that staff pre�are a montk�ly repnrt for the HRA <br />on abatement expenditures. <br />Mr, Trudgeon noted that the Housing Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan wil[ be reviewed at the next <br />meetin�. <br />Member Kelsey summarized the Crreen by Desi� seminar that she atiended last month. Ms. Kelsey <br />indicated that a presenter from that seminar will speak at the July HRA meeting about the Minnesota <br />GreenStar Program. Ms. Kelsey explained that the GreenStar Program focuses on five elements of green <br />design: energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor environmental quality, resource <br />efficiencyldurability and site and community impact. Ms. Kelsey noted that the HRA cauld most easily <br />incorporate energy and water ef�ciency incentives ir�to their loan programs. <br />Meinber Pust suggested bringing t}�ose e�ements into the 2b09 Home & Garden Fair. Ms, Kelsey noted <br />that Home & Gaz'den �air p�anning will begin in 7uly and the focus wil� be on green topics. Ms, Kelsey <br />indicated thai staff is in the process of ananging a fall ed�cational event for residents about energy issues. <br />Ms, Kelsey noted that Xce] Energy also offers rebates on energy improvements to multi-family <br />properties. Ms. Kelsey nated thaf she's been in contact with multi-family property owners to exp]ore <br />ways io encourage reinvestment in their properties. <br />Ms. Kelsey provided the board with informatian on the Sustainable Home Ownership Program (SHOP}, <br />Mr. Trudgeon provided the board with the Residential Rental Registration Program pamphlet and noted <br />that he has received positive feedback abo�t the program. <br />