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ROSEVILLE HOUSING AND R�D�V�LOPMENT AUTH�RITY <br />CONSULTANT SERVICES AG1��MENT <br />THIS iS AN A�R��NIENT entered into the day of ; 2008, <br />by and between the l�oseville Housing and Redevelapment Authority, hereinafter <br />rEferred to as the RHRA, and George Hornik, hereinafter referred to as the Consuliant. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the RHRA desires io hire the Consultant to perform rnarketing and <br />public outreach services for the RHRA programs and services, and Consultant desires to <br />perform those services for the compensation and on the terms described herein. <br />NOW, THE[tEFOR�, the parties }�ereto da mutually agree as %llaws: <br />I. Sco�e of Services. The Consultanf shall perform those services as ai,e <br />described in the attached Exhibit A. <br />Il. Term. This Agreement shall be effective upon the �pprova] of the RHRA <br />Baa�-d and execution by the RH�A Chairman and the RHRA Execu�ive Director and <br />shall continue until terminated by either party upon a thirty {3Q} day w��it�en notice <br />thereof. <br />III. Compensation. The fees for tl�e Consultant's services will be billed in <br />accordance with the fees described in the attached Exhibit A. Fees shali be paid within <br />thirty (30) days followin� receipt of a monthly invoice and status report detailing the <br />services perforrried. <br />IV. Indemnification. The parties shall indemnify and hold ha�less each other <br />and iheir officials, agents, and err�ployees �rom any loss, clairr�, liabrlity, and expense <br />(inc]uding reasor�able attorney's fees and expenses of ]itigation) arising aut of any action <br />canstituting mal%asance or gross negligence of the respective parties in the perfortnance <br />of the service of this contract. <br />V. Assi n�. This Agreement shall not bE assigned; sublet, or transferred <br />without the written consent of the City. <br />VI. Conflict of Interesi. The Consultant agrees to immediately inform, by <br />written notice, the 1�HRA Executive Directar of possible contractual conflicts of interest <br />in representing the RHRA. Conflicts of interest may be groi►nds for termination of this <br />Agreement. <br />