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� �r <br />1:�, <br />W2200 First National Sank [3uElding <br />332 Minneso[a 5treet <br />5t. Paul MN 55i01 139b <br />tel 65 t.808 6600 <br />fa.x 651.808 6450 <br />VTA E-MAIL AND VIA U.S. MA�L <br />August. ] , 2008 <br />Mr. Patrick Trudgeon <br />Camn�unity Development Director <br />City of �toseville <br />Raseville City Hail <br />2G60 Civic Center Drive <br />12oseville, MN 55113-I&15 <br />Re: Housing and Redevelopment Authorities <br />Dear Pat: <br />Mary L. IppeE <br />65I .808.6620 <br />mzppe] <br />Yoii l�ave inqui�'ed about tlle legal a�athority of Housing and Redevelopment Authorities <br />to issue bonds pursuant to Minnesota Statules, Sections 469.Q01 th.rough 469.0�17 (the "HRA <br />Law"). <br />Pursuant to the HRA Law Housi�lg and Redevel�pment Autharities ("HRA") are granted <br />the po�vers Eo undertake redevelopinent projects, housing projects, anci housing dcvelopment <br />projects. A housing pr•oject is any work or undertaking to provide decent, safe and sanitary <br />dwellings for perso�ls of low income and tlleir families. A housii�� development project is any <br />work or undertaking to provide housing for persons of moderate income and their families. It is <br />�IOt ��ecessary for a HRA to hold a publt.c hearing prior to undertaking a housing project or a <br />housii�g development praject. A redevelogj��eni project means a��y work or un�ertaking {1) €o <br />ac�uire bligl�.ted areas and other real property for the purpose of remaving, preventing, or <br />reducing blight, blightin� factors, or the causes of bligl�t; (2} to clear any areas acquired and <br />install, cort�struct or reconstruct streets, utilities, and site improvements essential to the <br />preparation of sites for uses irl accordance with the redevelopment plan; {3) to sell or lease lar�d <br />so acquired for uses in accordance with t�e redevelopnlent plan; (4} to prepare a redevelopment <br />plan, and to incur initiation, planning; sutvey and other adminis#rative costs of a redevelopm�nt <br />praject, and ta prepare teclinical aild financial pla��s and arrangements far buildings, structurES, <br />and improvements a�Id all other work in can�ection therewith; or {5) to conducl an urban <br />renewal project. Prior to undertaking a redevelopn�et�t �roject, it is necessary For the city to <br />adopt a redevelopnlent plan and before appro�ing any redevelopment p]an, the city must hold a <br />pub]ic hearing on the redevelopment plan after pub].ished t�otice is given not less tllan 10 days <br />nor more than 30 days priar to the date otthe heari�lg. <br />Pursuant to the authority granted in Minnesota Statutes, Seetion 469.034 a HRA may <br />issue bonds for any of its coiporate puipases. The bonds i3zay be the type the HRA determi�ies, <br />Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association <br />�is�reapolis I St Paui E v�wtiubriogscom <br />2216680��1 t4ember ���x id�und�, a Global Association of Inaependent la�.v Firms <br />