Polly Heaton, Fairview Community Center
<br />Janell Wampler, Roseville Area Senior Program
<br />Jeff Evenson & Rick Schultz, Roseville Parks & Recreation
<br />Tim Pratt & Carolyn Curti, Roseville Administration
<br />Kara Hoier, Roseville Community Development/Roseville HRA
<br />Jeanne Kelsey, Roseville HRA
<br />and the many other volunteers who contributed to the 2009 Home and Garden Fair:
<br />Community Volunteers:
<br />Barni Jama Abu, El Da, Le Sat Thi, Porchor Lee, Chanothal Nakhowong-
<br />Diprima, Hodan M. Nur, Amal Kh Sheikhabu, Tru Thao, Igro Farah Timojilic,
<br />Moua Vang, Shoua Xiong, Nalee Yang, Nick Garcia, Maggie McGary, Johanna
<br />Traynor, Marian M. Abdihakim, Aliya U Abdullahi, Fadumo F. Arab, Lue Lee,
<br />Bee Moua, Nah Nah, Ma Khin San, Ker Thao, Vue Thao, Eh Wah, and Bao
<br />Yang,
<br />Senior Center Volunteers: Florence Fonken, Betty Cairnes, Ed Breems, Dottie
<br />Dowdall, Alice Anderson, Janet Skipon, John Trammel, Leslie Brown, Brandon
<br />Brown, Herb and Laverne Dickhadt, Warren Poole, Tony Dady, Jerry Irsfeld,
<br />Carol Warner, Kathleen Koch, ARdelle Ziehme, Sue Mack, Noreen VanVoorhin,
<br />Jan Skipon, Fern M Sauro, Carol Koval, Lorna Jones, Alice Sanoden, Joan
<br />Smiler, Joyce Allen, Florence Fonken, and Betty Cairnes
<br />Representatives from Police Department, Parks and Recreation Department,
<br />Community Development Department, Public Works and the Housing Resource
<br />Center
<br />Roseville Commissions: HRA and Public Works Commission
<br />Roseville City Council and Mayor
<br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
<br />and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereo£
<br />and the following voted against the same:
<br />WHEREUPON, said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted this 31t'' day of
<br />March 2009.
<br />