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5/9/2014 10:56:24 AM
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3/17/2010 3:01:44 PM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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private investment in the foreseeable future and that development induced by the creation <br />, of the TIF district would yield a net increase in market value for the site. <br />d 1.6 On Apri120, 2009, the City Council passed a resolution setting June 15, 2009, as the <br />. public hearing date for TIF No. 18. The setting of the public hearing date was the first <br />, step in the statutory TIF creation process and does not obligate the City Council to <br />. approve the creation of a TIF district. <br />� 1.7 Since the establishment of the public hearing date, Springsted, the City's financial <br />����� consultant, has reviewed the detailed proj ect information provided by to determine if the <br />_��� project qualifies as a housing TIF district and developed a TIF plan for the proposed <br />�� district, including the "but-for" test and financial projections. <br />s� Housin� District Qualification: Springsted has determined that the 168 housing units <br />_��� within proposed TIF District No. 18 will meet either meet the 20-50 test or the 40-60 test <br /><� with at least 20 percent of the units being affordable to persons at 50 percent of area <br />� median income or 40 percent of the units being affordable to persons at 60 percent of <br />����� median income. The City will require formalization of the affordability mix as part of a <br />a future development agreement <br />_� But-For Test: Springsted has conducted the "but-for" analysis for this project and has <br />� determined that it meets both statutory requirements. They conclude that the proposed <br />:� development would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private <br />� investment within the reasonably foreseeable future, and the increased market value of <br />�� the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment <br />:� would be less than the increase in market value estimated to result from the proposed <br />& development after subtracting the present value of the proj ected tax increments for the <br />_� maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the TIF Plan. <br />: Financial Projections: The 2009 assessed value for the Har Mar Apartments is <br />& $5,000,000. Based on the rehabilitation of the 120 one-bedroom units in the five existing <br />� buildings and the construction of the new 48 two- and three-bedroom units, the estimated <br />� assessed value is between $10.6 million and $15.4 million. This increase in value <br />� translates approximately $1.37 million to $2.4 million of potential increment over the life <br />f�� of the district. <br />��� 1.8 If the City Council approves TIF District No. 18, the City will negotiate a development <br />� agreement with Aeon on the terms for use of the funds generated in the district. The <br />f�� City's TIF Policy will set general parameters by which to commence these negotiations. <br />� This policy advocates using the pay-as-you-go method of financing, which means that the <br />� developer is responsible for finding upfront financing for the proj ect and that the City <br />E� will reimburse the developer for eligible costs as the increment is generated. This form of <br />; financing decreases the risk to the City as it is not relying on proj ected future revenues to <br />� cover debt service on a City bond issuance. In addition, the policy also outlines a 20 <br />,� years as the guideline length of repayment for low-to-moderate income housing proj ects; <br />however, the policy states that this term can be extended by the City Council to protect <br />community interest. <br />2.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />� 2.1 Staff recommends that the HRA support the creation of TIF District No. 18 to provide <br />financial assistance to Aeon to undertake the construction of approximately 48 new <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />
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