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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 11:51:15 AM
Creation date
3/22/2010 11:51:06 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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of-way, Mn Dot agreed to relocate and pay costs of $350,000. To construct the <br />line and fees associated with the Lauderdale connection.. An easement needs to <br />be negotiated with the property owner which should be at no cost to the City. The <br />frontage road will be completely reconstructed with a permanent barrier. <br />At the west end of County Road B, a center barrier will be constructed and a <br />portion of the road up to the apartments will be removed. It will appear as a <br />grassy area with knock-down barricades. There will be no berm or pond installed <br />which allows emergency access if needed. Signage will also be installed. <br />The City needs a 110' diameter turn-around for fire apparatus which would be at <br />the Eustis intersection. Fire and Police agree with these plans. There are no <br />pedestrian crossings as the Larpenteur Ave bridge will have pedestrian crossings. <br />Member Vanderwall requested 30-40" truck turnaround in case of a disabled child <br />needing school bus pickup. <br />7. Update on Twin Lakes Infrastructure Improvements and Storm Water Design <br />Deb Bloom gave an update on Phase I. The Council approved offer letters for the <br />necessary easements to build Phase I of this project. Final plans that will be <br />available by Friday by WSB for review. Phase I is Mount Ridge round-about and <br />a segment of Twin Lakes Parkway, as well as building a storm water cistern. <br />There was a utility meeting last week to talk about needs in the corridor and a <br />public meeting/open house on February 26. Information is on the City web site. <br />We need a storm water master plan for the area. We have worked with WSB on <br />the storm water reuse and capturing run off from the road, filtering it with rain <br />gardens within planting areas. We have some areas with petroleum contamination <br />which will need a filtering conveyance system to prevent groundwater <br />contamination. <br />Member Felice asked where soil borings were taken. Deb explained they were <br />taken along the center line of the road. <br />Member Vanderwall asked about putting a pond expansion into an area close to <br />soil borings on the east end. Deb Bloom explained that a liner could be put in. <br />Member Willenbring asked about the location of planned cisterns. Deb explained <br />they are all underground. Water will be coming off the street into rain gardens <br />which will be used to water vegetation and can also be stored in the cistern for use <br />in a dry period.. <br />Member DeBenedt asked if the sediment trap basin is pre-cast or specially made. <br />Duane explained that it is being made by adjusting an existing design. Member <br />DeBenedt also requested that non-compacted soil be used around tree plantings. <br />Duane Schwartz added that some of the funding could come from the Federal <br />stimulus money if we are successful after an application process. <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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