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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 11:58:06 AM
Creation date
3/22/2010 11:57:55 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Impact analysis results of the area north of Highway 36 show the current levels <br />for night time range from 58 to 67 decibels and the projected levels range from 59 <br />to 67 decibels. The standard level is 55 decibels. The current levels for daytime <br />range from 65 to 68 decibels and the projected levels range from 65 to 69 <br />decibels. The standard level is 65 decibels. Since these levels exceed the <br />standards, a Mitigation Assessment is necessary. <br />In the Mitigation Assessment, noise barriers were modeled. On the north side of <br />Highway 36, west of Rice Street a 20 foot high wall would meet the MnDOT <br />Reasonability Criteria. 41 residents would receive a 5 decibel reduction or <br />greater. <br />Local communities are given the opportunity to approve proposed noise walls. <br />Noise walls that meet the cost effectiveness criteria but are not approved by the <br />local government are not constructed. A municipal resolution is needed for or <br />against noise barrier along the north side of Highway 36. Notices have been sent <br />out to residents to get feedback on the proposed noise wall. <br />Member DeBenedet asked what the cost is of the proposed noise wall. Duane <br />Schwartz answered noise walls cost generally about $1,500,000.00 per mile. This <br />wall will be about a half mile so the cost would be about $750,000.00. The <br />project as a whole does not have funding yet. <br />Member Vanderwall asked if the City Council approves this now but in a couple <br />years once the final plans are ready, can the City Council back out of it. Duane <br />Schwartz stated he did not have an answer for this. Member DeBenedet stated it <br />was possible for the City Council to back out of the decision. <br />Member Vanderwall mentioned the type of material on the roadway makes a <br />difference with noise too. Asphalt is much less noisy than concrete so if that <br />changes the noise level will change. <br />Duane Schwartz showed pictures of what the Highway 36 /Rice Street Bridge <br />will look like and landscaping drawings. <br />Member DeBenedet asked if all the drawings that were shown are alternative <br />looks to choose from or are they different views of the same thing. Member <br />Stenlund answered they are different views of they same bridge. <br />Member DeBenedet asked if a sign could be added to the bridge with "Welcome <br />to Roseville" on it. Duane Schwartz answered there are federal highway <br />regulations that prohibit wording on the bridge. Arose shape or leaves could be <br />added however. <br />7. 2010 Public Works Budget Overview <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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