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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 12:10:22 PM
Creation date
3/22/2010 12:10:07 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Deb Bloom mentioned some of the discussions about the storm water ordinance <br />were how should it be approached, how does it fit into the grand scheme of things <br />and how can the code be better. <br />Deb Bloom stated in section 803 titled The Storm Water Drainage Section the <br />code is broken into chapters. The Public Works chapter primarily consists of <br />sanitary sewer, watermain and storm drainage. Eight proposals submitted by <br />consultants are currently being reviewed by the Public Works staff. A <br />recommendation will go to the City Council on October. Work is anticipated to <br />start in November and be complete next summer. <br />Deb Bloom stated the Engineering staff has been looking the zoning code to see <br />what is needed for storm water to make it more comprehensive. One suggestion <br />for doing this would be to extract the erosion control ordinance from the zoning <br />code and put it into the Public Works chapter. Another suggestion would be <br />adding illicit discharge as a separate section under storm water. <br />Deb Bloom mentioned Ramsey County has an updated flood map. A notice will <br />be sent to Roseville sometime in November. The City of Roseville will need to <br />update its flood coverage or zoning code for a flood overlay. Roseville will now <br />have flood zones. Flood zones are required to be a part of the zoning code. <br />Deb Bloom mentioned a topic that was talked about in a March meeting was the <br />illicit discharge ordinance and the requirements for the Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency pollutant discharge elimination system permit the City has to <br />discharge into state waters. This year there have been some tests of the illicit <br />discharge ordinance. The ordinance needs to be update to meet state standards. <br />The Engineering staff looked at several other cities in the state of Minnesota over <br />the summer and found that most cities have used a model template to bring <br />themselves into compliance. Currently the illicit discharge is a part of the <br />nuisance code. This is something the Public Work Environment and <br />Transportation Commission could move forward with to update the storm water <br />chapter. <br />Deb Bloom stated storm water drainage is something that will need to be done as <br />apart of the zoning code update. <br />Deb Bloom mentioned the storm drainage code sets up the storm utility fee credits <br />currently. There are two options for the storm utility fee credits. They could be <br />in the code or they could be a reference to them like there is now in a stand alone <br />policy. The policy could then be updated every five years. <br />Deb Bloom stated the staff recommendation would be to update the policy for the <br />storm utility fee credits. The storm water drainage section should be looked at to <br />verify it is still pertinent to current regulations. <br />Duane Schwartz stated not all research documentation was not provided in the <br />meeting packet. The main goal was to provide an updated on the process. <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />
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