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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 1:50:37 PM
Creation date
3/22/2010 1:50:27 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Member Stenlund moved, Member Felice seconded, recommending to the <br />City Council the proposed ordinance, with amendments as discussed <br />tonight and corrected by staff. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstentions: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />6. Overhead Electrical Undergrounding Discussion (Rice Street Interchange <br />Project) <br />Mr. Schwartz provided an update from the Rice Street Interchange Project <br />Design Committee attended by Chair DeBenedet and him, with pictures <br />provided to the PWET Commission along the Rice Street corridor of <br />existing overhead electric lines; and visual impacts of those power lines. <br />Mr. Schwartz noted that this was a local issue, and unfortunately all the <br />lines were located on the Roseville side, but serving Little Canada as well. <br />Mr. Schwartz noted that Xcel Energy had been asked to provide a cost for <br />undergrounding the lines, with their estimate at $574,000, subject to <br />approval by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for Xcel to recover <br />their cost, when required by a local municipality as part of a road project, <br />with a process laid out by the PUC for a surcharge to be applied across the <br />entire City, based on customer class (residential or business). Mr. <br />Schwartz further noted that those surcharge rules would not allow for the <br />Cities of Roseville and Little Canada to cost-share them equally, even <br />though the feeders from those lines served Little Canada. Mr. Schwartz <br />noted that discussions on this option had only been held at a staff level to- <br />date, but that both cities anticipated going before their City Councils in <br />January. Mr. Schwartz provided an option, approved by Xcel, for Little <br />Canada to reimburse their portion to Roseville via other payment methods, <br />and paid for upfront to facilitate a portion of the Roseville surcharge. Mr. <br />Schwartz noted that, if Little Canada responded negatively and only paid <br />for their side, Roseville's share would be approximately $478,574, with a <br />three (3) year payback with $0.76 per month on residential customer bills, <br />with businesses paying depending on their size, projected at $2.28 - $3.04 <br />per month. Mr. Schwartz noted that it applied throughout the entire <br />community, anticipating future projects. Mr. Schwartz further noted that <br />Ramsey County anticipates that the project could be started as early as <br />2010, with construction of B-2 to Little Canada Road (on Rice Street); and <br />that this may be a consideration for the entire Rice Street corridor. Mr. <br />Schwartz advised that PUC rules indicate that only up to $4.50 per month <br />in surcharges could be applied within a certain time; however, he noted <br />that this didn't appear to be a problem, as one surcharge could expire <br />before another was added depending on construction cycles. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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