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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/29/2010 2:38:43 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 12:30:39 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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• Divide city into zones, each zone to have one hauler <br />• City designates trash to go to a resource recovery facility <br />• City bills homeowners (do we include commercial?) <br />Member Willenbrin.g wondered why the city would. bill, why not the hauler, as <br />we don't need another layer of government. Chair DeBenedet replied that if the <br />current utility billing system is used, maybe there could be additional cost <br />savings since all the information and the process was already in place. The <br />hauler would appreciate knowing the bill would be paid and not having to deal <br />with delinquent accounts. Residents could have the convenience of the trash <br />bill included with the utility bill. Mr. Schwartz said the city does have the <br />ability to certify unpaid. utility bills to property taxes, and he would check with <br />the City Attorney to see if that included trash pickup. <br />Mr. Schwartz restated the Commission's intentions as that they would like staff <br />to formulate a recommendation to the City Council in terms of how to proceed. <br />Chair DeBenedet said that maybe just a question sent to the City Council asking <br />if this is something they would like PWETC to pursue; and if so, the Council <br />could forward back a specific proposal of what they wanted. done. After that the <br />Commission could go on to meet with trash haulers, and. maybe even members <br />of the 2002 Citizen's Committee, or other groups that have been involved with <br />these questions in the past. Mr. Pratt said the League of Women Voters has <br />been involved with trash issues in the past. <br />Member Felice requested a fact sheet be created to have pertinent information <br />close at hand. <br />b. Twin Lakes lnfrastructure Preliminary Design <br />Deb Bloom, City Engineer, presented the latest information on the Twin Lakes <br />Design. <br />7. Roselawn Avenue Reconstruction Preliminary Design <br />Deb Bloom, City Engineer, presented the preliminary reconstruction design. <br />Currently, from Hamline to Lexington the pavement is 32'-34' wide. The plan <br />is to construct it 35' wide, which would. include a 4' shoulder on the south side; <br />two 11' traffic lanes and a 9' parking bay: The S'-wide sidewalk will be <br />attached to the curb. <br />Chair DeBenedet asked what material was being used for water service <br />replacements. Ms. Bloom responded that the city doesn't replace the service, <br />just reconnects it to the main. <br />Member Stenlund requested that staff check into what the city of Morehead is <br />requiring for utilities to do work within the city, regarding such pollutant <br />generating issues as concrete management, dewatering, etc. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />
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