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Appendix B ~ <br /> -'® <br />~~~~~ ~C~C~~~~ <br /> <br /> (fi51) 222-SUR7-(7578 <br />I:urc)~:1 1`ec~~chli~ cc)llci'ts nl;ltel-ials iii n~~o streallls: a "}~a}~ers" streaul '< <br />ct?ilsisting,ofvaric,tl`, ~;r~1(i(:, ()1'p~l~~er {lflcliidill~ carill~t,ardl, arld a "c~l~taill~l~" <br />stre:l]!1 ctilisistlll~ offc~od a]I(1h~~'erage colitainels'{vlc]udint.; ~;1as~, })lastic <br />h~~ttle,, arltl Illetal cans):. A~ outlined in oui'ronti-act, F.ul-eltia l~ec~'cllli~ our mission IS tdretlure <br />COT1l1LiCts aI1 a11R1T11 00131 }1(,tiltlOr] titLlC~l" Uf the CR'O Stl'C,11lIS tO Cl'CatC $ 1,3S1S C)Il '("c.SfL'tfJfi2'y'tillpUgh <br />\V.}11011 t11e }ie1CC1IC (lf C'.EC:}l Ct)liirllOdlttic collected 7!1 tl,e tt~()-SCre~lill Innovative r~5ollrcE <br />c(,rtlillilit~led }~rc?tira]ai c:Ln h~ estlnlated leased t7},cnl t(,t~ll ~vzl~„ht c+`~lle~ted in manaaerilent anft to mach <br />th'e trot i:. a r,~aste-lrer• tom(xrot'e <br /> by (tenionstral~ng itlat t~Jaste <br />Composition 1,y.$t~~am. 15>Jrc'VZFIt2tSie. 116Y 'nC'JIt3GIB.. <br />lltirlu~ the corn}~~)siticn! 5t(uiv, ~Ltrel:a TZ><c}'clingy ~ti•ri~11~ eac11 ti-tuk l_~efore <br />Vaud after til,pin`, the payers tci detei-mille the t'<-ci`,}1t (1}'the ~~a}~el's alld; <br />CO11talllCrti tit]-eaill~. E1C11 has 3 titU]-l'C~ C:{I'C \VC1;;11C tllllt is li}?ti~iC('t~ rC`,~L31arl~' <br />t01' lCCL71'1CV: Tlllti t\'Ct4~h1f1`~ pl'OCeSS'allt,~'<ti tlti t0 t1CCCr1]1111e ~~-hat l,C]'lCI1t;1~C ()1 <br />C11C tOTal rt'('l (hT]}; C'O1ICCCCd 1II31~CS Ll}? the }'):1~?Cl-, tiCrCa11I, a12C1 \vl7at })C7'C:C1lta~C <br />TIl<11LCS L7~? t17C' ('(>T]Ca1T1C1'S St1'Calll. <br />Gompasition by Commodity of ~ac1~ Recycling Stream <br /> Thy ccntlposition study starts ~~'itlr <br /> l:Llt'C1~;1 1ZCC~'l'llll~ st0lln`,~;111 i)t t11C <br /> 1n.rtC1-lal5 CUllected 3!l T}le Clt~' 1T1 t11C <br /> cant>lirl~ts stream dul-ln~ a';)nC-- <br /> ~~~e~k period iu 1 sepalatc htnll:~l- <br /> fron~ all f)tlier materials at the <br /> iacillry. Fnrek.I Recycllfl~ ports <br /> thCSC COnC.1111L'1ti 1~~' Illatel'l~ll <br /> SC},aratCly ti'()1'l! ~lil t?thCt' COIlt1111e1'S <br /> at the facility u5iu~; the 5o1-t litre. <br />'l'1>e s()rt~d materials are tllel~ llalcd c)r })Lit into a hol~l~c~r ,and transpt)rted «~itlz a <br />foil~lltt t(, L11e truck scale to >_iti «~i~;he({. Fiuall`T, Earr.ka l~~t yclin`,~ ~~-ei~hs the <br />tt~tal alllntltlt „i eac11 sorted<lliaterial ~n-.idr (irlcluLliilo- 1'esidt7alj tc, t:srahlish a " <br />percellta e (it c (illlp(isition each gra(lc l-e~ 1-CtiCllts «-lthlli the cc?rlt;liner, ~treaur. <br /> <br />Thy riitire proci~,s 1ti tl7etl repeated «-lth tl~<' }n.i~~ers tit]`etiul to estal_ihsli .t <br />(:orilposit-iall }ictt-c<nt,l+,~Te o£each oracle c)f1,ap~r ~vitllin tl>e strealrl. <br /> Aii atl rn--all, action; equal <br /> ,pauil(iili~ nrlGyrr: <br /> <br /> ~ ,u;l?cS'I(n~Fr I ai~;as rroc:;<..:d <br /> ~. -Th07ltlu u..i of CI'.In' nF <br />