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Last modified
3/23/2010 2:28:01 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 2:26:52 PM
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Public Works Commission
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1 L Introduction <br />2 One part of the City's Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan (CSWMP), is for <br />3 staff to provide a brief annual report. to summarize development changes, capital <br />4 improvements, and other water management related issues that have occurred over the <br />5 past year. In the past, this has been completed as a part of the SWPPP Annual Report. In <br />6 the interest of providing a more in depth discussion of the storm water issues that staff <br />7 has worked through during the course of the year, we are providing this as a separate <br />8 document: This will allow us to include more information and. enable us to better plan <br />9 for future storm water needs. <br />10 City staff keeps track. of the majority of the rainfalls that occur within the City.. This is <br />I l accomplished through a gauge at the Maintenance Building. We have included this <br />I2 information at the end of this report. <br />13 The report includes the following sections; CSWMP Problem Area Updates, 2008 New <br />14 Problem Areas, 2008 City Projects, 2008 Redevelopment Projects, and Other Drainage <br />15 Concerns. <br />16 II, CSWMP Problem Area Updates <br />17 Five problem areas were identified as a part of the 2003 CSWMP. Over the past 4 years <br />18 we have been able to address some of these areas through additional study or construction <br />19 projects. Some of the issues that were identified have been resolved. while others have <br />20 developed new concerns. We now have nine problem areas. What follows is a summary <br />21 of the status of these problem areas. <br />22 A. Area 1- Avon- Brenner. <br />23 Over the years, the City has made a number of improvements in this area to address street <br />24 flooding and increase the pollutant removal efficiency within the Charlie Pond <br />25 subwatershed of Lake Owasso: Changes in subwatershed boundaries, the addition of the <br />26 Valley Park ponds, new outlets, and larger pipes have all played a role in improving the <br />27 drainage for the area. <br />28 As recently as 6 years ago there were I3 vacant lots in this neighborhood. In the last 6 <br />29 years, 7 of these-lots have been developed as single family homes. 6 of these lots are <br />30 located along the south side of Brenner Avenue west of Millwood Avenue. As these lots <br />31 continue to be developed, renewed neighborhood concern has been expressed about the <br />32 need for additional storm water improvements for this subwatershed. One of these vacant <br />33 lots is between 812 and 800 Brenner Avenue and has a low area that drains into the <br />34 City's system. To determine the role that this lot plays in the updated overall storm water <br />35 system, a new XP-SWMM model was created by URS in 2006. <br />36 Action to date: <br />37 This analysis allowed us to evaluate the performance of the system during intense storm <br />38 events and. determine how incremental improvements would impact the elevation of <br />39 flooding within rear yards, low areas, and intersections in this neighborhood. As a result <br />40 of this analysis, the following improvements were constructed in 2007: <br />41 Brenner Street <br />42 Runoff from the wetland on the vacant lot west of 800 Brenner was redirected to <br />43 storm sewer which flows directly to Lake Owasso, allowing for additional capacity in <br />City of Roseville <br />2008 Storm Water Anneal Report Page 2 of 14 <br />
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