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Last modified
3/29/2010 3:02:38 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 2:29:59 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Highway 280 project. The second phase of the prof ect that permanently closes <br />County Road B will start in September. <br />Duane Schwartz announced the Twin Lakes project will be going out for bid in <br />the next few weeks. There have been some location changes which were brought <br />to the council. The prof ect is now adjacent the infiltration area near County Road <br />C2. These changes were necessary due to the cost of environmental issues. <br />Duane Schwartz mentioned the project is still on budget despite this change. <br />Storm water cost maybe a little higher than anticipated but changing the location <br />reduces other costs. Deb Bloom mentioned using more efficient lighting for the <br />project to save costs as well by using LED lights. <br />Duane Schwartz mentioned council action when Ramsey County presented to the <br />City Council the Rice Street interchange project. Since the council meeting, the <br />project team has updated the layout. It was decided that it is ok to do this prof ect <br />and the Grandview Lake project at the same time. They also talked about the on- <br />streetbike accommodations. The bike lane would need to be at least three feet <br />wide. <br />7. 2008 Annual Public Storm Water Meeting <br />Deb Bloom introduced the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program we are <br />required to have a permit to discharge water into wetlands, rivers and lakes. The <br />permit requires that the City develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution <br />Prevention Program to reduce the discharge of pollutants into the system within a <br />reasonable framework. The plan must have the following six minimum control <br />measures: Public Education and Outreach Measures, Public Participation and <br />Involvement Measures, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Measures, <br />Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Measures, Post-Construction <br />Storm Water Management Measures and Pollution Prevention and Good <br />Housekeeping Measures. <br />The following are highlights on how these measures are being met. For the <br />Public Education and Outreach measure, information is available on the City <br />website about the storm water program. Storm drains stenciling and Clean up day <br />was a part of the Public Participation and Involvement measure. For the Illicit <br />Discharge Detection measure, drains are inspected for debris. Member Stenlund <br />asked who should be notified if the public sees Illicit Discharge in a drain. Deb <br />Bloom responded that the Roseville Public Works department at 651-792-7004 <br />should be notified. Member Stenlund also asked if there is a list of what should <br />not go into a storm drain on the website. Deb Bloom responded there is not a list <br />posted on the website but will look into adding a list. For Construction Site Storm <br />Water Runoff Control measure, the city review and inspects sites for erosion <br />control after a rain. For the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping <br />measures includes municipal staff training and renewing certifications. Oil <br />recycling from oil changes and inspecting sediments basins are also a part of these <br />measures. The leaf pick-up program is a part of the Good Housekeeping measure. <br />
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