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E. Exemptions: The following land uses are exempt from storm water drainage fees: <br />1. Public rights of way. <br />2. Vacant, unimproved land with ground cover. <br />F. Payment of Fee: Statements for storm water drainage fee shall be computed every <br />three months and invoiced by the Finance Officer for each account on or about the <br />ffth day of the month following the quarter. Such statement shall be due on or <br />before the last day of the month in which the statement is mailed. Any prepayment or <br />overpayment of charges shall. be retained by the City and applied against subsequent <br />quarterly fees. <br />G. Recalculation of Fee: if a property owner or person responsible for paying. the storm. <br />water drainage fee questions the correctness of an invoice for such charge, such <br />person may have the determination of the charge recomputed by written request to <br />the Public Works Director made within twelve months of mailing of the invoice in <br />question by the City. <br />H. Penalty for Late Payment: Each quarterly billing for storm water drainage fees not <br />paid when due shall incur a penalty charge often percent of the amount past due. <br />I. Certification of Past Due Fees on Taxes: Any past due storm water drainage fees, in <br />excess of 90 days past due, maybe certified to the County Auditor for collection <br />with real estate taxes, pursuant to Minnesota Statute, section 444.075, subdivision 3. <br />In addition, the City shall also have the right to bring a civil action or to take other <br />legal remedies to collect unpaid fees. (Ord. 937, 1-9-84; amd. 1995 Code} {Ord. <br />1383, 6-08-2009) <br />803.02: CONNECTION TO STORM SEWERS: <br />A. Permit Required: No person shall connect any drain to a storm sewer of the City <br />without first obtaining a permit to do so. <br />B. Granting of Permits: The Public Works Director shall grant permits only to <br />applicants who are licensed by the City. <br />C. Hook Up Permit Fee: The fee for a permit to hook up to a City storm sewer shall be <br />set by City Council resolution. (Ord. 377, 9-10-62; amd. 1995 Code} <br />D. Additional Fees: Before any hook up permit shall be issued, the following conditions <br />shall be complied. with: <br />1. No permit shall be issued to connect with any storm sewer system to the City <br />directly or indirectly from any lot or tract of land unless the Public Works Director <br />shall have certified: <br />a. That such lot or tract of land has been assessed for the cost of construction or <br />the storm sewer main or line with which the connection is made, or <br />b. If no assessment has been levied for such construction cost, the proceedings for <br />levying such assessment have been or will be completed in due course, or <br />c. if no assessment has been levied and no assessment proceedings will be <br />completed in due course, that a sum equal. to the portion of cost of constructing. <br />said storm sewer main which would be assessable against said lot or tract has <br />been paid to the City, or <br />2. If no such certificate can be issued by the Public Works Director no permit to <br />connect to any storm sewer main shall be issued unless the applicant shall pay an <br />additional connection fee which shall be equal to the portion of the cost of <br />construction of the said storm sewer main which would be assessable against said lot <br />or tract to be served by such connection. Said assessable cost is to be determined by <br />the Public Works Director upon the same basis as any assessment previously levied <br />against other property for the said main, including interest at a rate equal to the <br />interest rate of the original assessment from the date of the original assessment and <br />continuing for a period ofz0 years or the amount of years the assessment was <br />payable, whichever is less. Interest may be waived or decreased, when it is <br />