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Last modified
3/29/2010 4:06:14 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 3:21:17 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Roseville PWET Commission Meeting Minutes <br />Page $ January 26, 20] 0 <br />Discussion included road wear in addition to livable communities anal quality of <br />life to decrease traffic and noise pollution; improved technologies on trucks over <br />the last fifteen years; Walters Company storm water technologies in washing and <br />sanitizing recycling and garbage carts through recycling. the wash water rather <br />than dumping that water in storm sewers; and Roseville's development of a new <br />ordinance related to storm water discharge. <br />Mr. Walters assured members that his firm was working hard to find solutions to <br />environmental problems. <br />Chair DeBenedet asked Mr. Walters if his firm served all 0# Roseville; and if he <br />could retain the same number of customers in one secti~~n c}f Roseville, with fewer <br />road miles, could that be more economical f~T• ahem and in turn that savings <br />passed on to the customer. <br />Mr. Walters responded affirmatively to berth clucstions, noting that tliu nibre dense <br />their routes, th.e fewer drivers were needed: <br />Chair DeBenedet recessed the meeting at approximat~;ly $:07 p.m. and reconvened at <br />approximately 5:11 p.m. <br />7. Communication Items <br />Mr. Schwartz provided project updaie:~ as follows: <br />e Twin Lakes Infrastructure Project <br />Mr. Schwartz, l»•ovided an update on the second. phase of the Twin Lakes <br />Infrastructure.:: project, and the appropriation from Congress of $1 million <br />tc~ti~%ard that infxastn~cttzre iinpic~vement, combined with the DEED grant <br />award of the.>satnc: airioutit to be used in 2010. Mr. Schwartz advised that staff <br />was moving or~vard with:. final plan completion, and that it would be on the <br />:February PWET Cc?mmis5ion agenda for their review. Mr. Schwartz noted <br />pe~rding action from the MPCA for the Response Action Plan (RAP} to <br />proceed and. one' additional right-of--way needed for this next phase, with <br />constn3etion tentatively planned for the summer of 2010. <br />Rice Strut"Interchange Reconstruction <br />Mr. Schwartz anticipated that the 95% plans would be completed next week <br />for another review by the various agencies, including all three (3} cities. Mr. <br />Schwartz advised that the City Council had authorized staff to pursue <br />undergrounding of electrical utilities along the Rice Street corridor as <br />recommendation by the PWET Commission; and that the City of Little <br />Canada had taken similar action and concurred that the cost should be shared <br />SO/50 between the two cities; and that staff would be meeting with Xcel <br />Energy to proceed with detailed designs as part of the Public Utilities <br />Commission. {PUC) process, anticipated to be available within a month, for <br />
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