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Last modified
10/25/2011 8:05:06 AM
Creation date
3/24/2010 1:41:15 PM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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<br />b. City Council request for funding suppo rt of Roseville Visioning Process <br />(HF0046) <br /> <br />Chair Majerus provide background regarding why this item was tabled and provided <br />comments on discussions with several counc il members since the April meeting. He <br />wanted to clarify that the use of HRA f unds and any amendments to the HRA budget is <br />an HRA Board decision and not a Council decision. The City Council is not responsible <br />for the use and distribution of HRA dollars but only is required to approve the HRA’s <br />levy request each year. That being said – th e HRA can make the decision to transfer <br />funds that are assigned to the Rental Licensi ng Program – understanding that this amount <br />of funds was estimated for a full year’s cost to implement a new program. Even if a <br />program is adopted in 2006 – per the recomm endation of the Citizen Advisory Group and <br />with City Council approval of a new ordinanc e - it would not be a full year program and <br />require the full amount budgeted in 2006. <br /> <br />If the HRA chooses to fund a portion of the city visioning process – per the majority of <br />the Council’s request – it can make a budge t amendment from the rental licensing <br />program to cover this cost. Based upon th e level of funding support requested for the <br />visioning process, the HRA should in turn request an amendment to the cost sharing <br />agreement to allow the HRA Board to be a ke y decision maker and pa rtner with the City <br />Council in the level of part icipation and actions associ ated with this process. <br /> <br />Executive Director Bennett reminded the HRA that the city council’s request is to have <br />the HRA pay for 60% of the costs up to $30,000, and for the City to pay 40% of the costs <br />up to $20,000. The total amount of th e visioning process was exp ected to be no more than <br />$50,000. A cost sharing agreement has been a ttached for HRA review and consideration. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett also noted that to enter into this agreement, a budget amendment must be <br />approved to take funds that were earmarke d for the Rental Licensing program for this <br />project. <br /> <br />Member Maschka provided a summary of what the Council has agreed to contribute to the <br />process. The $20,000 was not budgeted for 2006 but is coming out of contingency. He <br />understands that the cost of the process is now $33,000. <br /> <br />Member Kelsey wanted clarification on what is being requested and what total amount. Member <br />Maschka noted that the Council providing $20,000, the HRA is being requested to provide the <br />balance which is $13,000. <br /> <br />Chair Majerus asked for comments from the group. Member Elkins felt visioning is a must and <br />wants to contribute. Member Millasovich agreed and felt that visioning is a huge component that <br />affects housing. Member Scheunemann also agreed. <br /> <br />Chair Majerus recognized residents in the audience who would like to speak. <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough noted that he was a supporte r of the HRA and very proud of the board <br />and what they have done for the community in ho using. He also noted that the funds designated
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