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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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Last modified
10/25/2011 8:05:06 AM
Creation date
3/24/2010 1:42:21 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Housing Redevelopment Authority
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Chair Majerus requested clarification on what CCHT is requesting for funding. <br /> <br />Member Kelsey noted that under a typical requ est that the HRA finance subcommittee could do <br />the review for use of HRA existing funds but si nce she sits on the finance subcommittee and she <br />has a conflict due to her employment with the company she recommends that outside firm review <br />the finances for the project along with the Tax Increment Financing request which would need <br />final City Council approval. <br /> <br />Member Elkins noted that CCHT is a quality comp any and supports their work here in Roseville. <br /> <br />Motion : Member Elkins moved, seconded by Member Ke lsey, to direct staff to consult with the HRA <br />attorney, Krass Monroe regarding the review of HRA funding and tax increment financing to Central <br />Community Housing Trust for the renovation and redevelopment of the Har Mar Apartments in <br />Roseville. <br />Ayes: 3 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstain: 1 <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />9. Information, Reports and Other Business <br /> <br />a. Update on HRA Citizen Advisory Group Meeting Process <br /> <br />Member Scheunemann provided a summary of the meetings, orientation and summary of codes <br />information from city staff, Don Munson, which was very interested and informative. Mr. <br />Munson presented a situation on Woodhill that has been a long process. Member Scheunemann <br />asked why it takes so long to resolve these i ssues and is under the impression that the City <br />Council requires their review at least two times before staff can take the appropriate action. This <br />is too long of a process and a recommendation to the City Council as part of this process is to <br />allow the city staff to be able to move forw ard and enforce the codes without Council approval. <br />City codes are provided to allow staff to make thes e decisions and that they should be allowed to <br />use their authority rather than br ing each case back to the council. <br /> <br />Member Kelsey heard that the citizens that have been dealing with these issues for a long time <br />where told by staff that they needed to go b ack to Council. It was hopeful that the new <br />Maintenance Code will give staff the authorit y needed to address many of the issues. <br /> <br />Chair Majerus noted that there is an ordinance pi ece but also an enforcement piece that should be <br />provided in the recommendation to the City Council. <br /> <br />Member Scheunemann noted that staff is very ha ppy that this process is going forward and will <br />help them to do their job more effectively in the future.
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