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Cathy Bennett <br />T hanks Dan for the Rental property information. <br /> <br />A s a live-in owner of a duplex in Rose ville, I am absolute ly opposed to any <br />government intervention in my business property. Of the three city options <br />you have mentioned herein, the first se ems that it might be a reasonable <br />approach to the problem if indeed there is a problem at all. I attended the <br />first meeting with the HRA in which I requested specific numbers and cases <br />which had been reported to the city or the city was aware of. To this date <br />that I am aware of or have seen any documentation of any offenses much less <br />those of small rental properties which I maintain are not problem properties <br />in Roseville. I believe that the city al ready has or can create an ordinance <br />that would adequately address problems that might crop up with a few rental <br />properties without introducing any inspections that would infringe on <br />peoples rights to privacy in their ho mes, rental or otherwise. I believe <br />that renters have sufficient rights with the State and county to address <br />problems or deficiencies that arise in their properties and any intrusion of <br />the city into these homes is unwarrant ed and abusive of their privacy. I <br />especially want to emphasize that the small rental properties and especially <br />those in which the owner lives are not the problem properties and should not <br />be included in any city legislation of any kind. I am also opposed to any <br />fees that might be imposed on any rental property since that only raises the <br />cost of such rental properties and ulti mately ads to the cost of the rental <br />units and to the rent to those seeking to find reasonably priced rental <br />property. In the absence of any numbers or facts from the city it is hard to <br />j ustify any action a g ainst all rental properties when only a few mi g ht pose <br />a problem and can be addressed indivi dually. In short I believe that the <br />city already has ways to address properties that are in shabby or bad <br />disrepair or which have obvious parking problems of too many cars. That <br />seems to be the gist of the complaints that I have heard. I would like to <br />see the documentation of comp laints that the city has received to be able to <br />j ud g e the need for any such le g islation. <br /> <br />Dick Houck <br /> <br />----- Original Message ----- <br />From: "Dan Roe" <> <br />T o: "RIF" <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:34 PM <br />Subject: [RIF] Citizen Group Re ntal Housing Recommendations <br /> <br /> <br />> <br />> Recently, the Roseville Housing & Rede velopment Authority (HRA) convened a <br />> group of citizens and stakeholders to discuss low-density residential <br />> rental property issues and make re commendations as to possible policy <br />> changes to address those issues. <br />> <br />> This stemmed from neighborhood meetings that the HRA held around the city <br />> in the last couple of years, wher e residents expressed concerns about <br />> rental homes in their neighborhoods. <br />> <br />> Initially, the HRA proposed a program to license and inspect such <br />> properties (4-plex and smaller), but, due to resistance largely from <br />From: Dick Houck []Sent: Wed 9/27/2006 11:35 AM <br />To: Dan Roe; RIF <br />Cc: <br />Subject: Re: [RIF] Citizen Group Rental Housing Recommendations <br />A ttachments: <br />Pa g e 1of 3 <br />10/9/2006 htt p s:// g e/Cath y .Bennett/Inbox/Re:%20 [RIF]%20Citizen%20G r ...