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��� �� <br />� •� � � <br />(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the following violations will subject <br />the licensee to the followin� administrative nenalties: <br />Tvne of Violation lst 2na 3ra 4tb <br />Violation Violation Violation Violation <br />Sale of alcoholic bevera_eg to a$1,000 and $2,000 and $2,000 and Revocation <br />person under the a�e of 21 one dav 5 dav 60 dav <br />sus ension sus ension sus ension <br />Sale of alcoholic bevera_ge to $1,000 and $2,000 and $2,000 and Revocation <br />an obviouslv intoxicated one dav 5 dav 60 dav <br />erson sus ension sus ension sus ension <br />Failure of an on-sale licensee $1,000 and $2,000 and $2,000 and Revocation <br />to take reasonable ste�s to one dav 5 dav 60 dav <br />prevent a person from leavin� suspension suspension suspension <br />the �remises with an alcoholic <br />bevera�e (on-sale allowin� <br />off-sale � <br />Refusal to allow Citv $1,000 and $2,000 and Revocation N/A <br />ins�ectors or �olice admission 7 davs 14 davs <br />to remises sus ension sus ension <br />After hours sale,�ossession $1,000 and $2,000 and Revocation N/A <br />bv a patron or consumption of 7 davs 14 davs <br />alcoholic bevera es sus ension sus ension <br />Ille�al �amblin� on premises $1,000 and $2,000 and Revocation N/A <br />7 davs 14 davs <br />sus ension sus ension <br />Sale of alcoholic beverages � �4 N/A N/A <br />while license is under 60 dav Revocation <br />sus ension sus ension <br />Sale of intoxicatin� liquor Revocation N/A N/A N/A <br />with onlv 32 �ercent malt <br />li uor license <br />Commission of a felonv Revocation N/A N/A N/A <br />related to licensed activi <br />(2) An�prior violation that occurred more than 36 calendar months immediately <br />precedin� the most current violation will not be considered in determinin� successive <br />violations. <br />(3) Anv violation that occurred within 12 calendar months immediatel�precedin_g the <br />most current violation will cause the current violation to be considered a next subsequent <br />