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4.0 BACKGROUND <br />� 4.1 The property, located in Planning District 4, has a Comprehensive Plan designation of <br />� Low-Density Residential (LR) and a zoning classification of Single-Family Residence <br />� (R-1) District. <br />� 42 A MiNOx sus�ivisioN application has been submitted in lieu of the preliminary plat/final <br />� plat process because § 1104.04 (Minor Subdivision) of the City Code establishes the <br />2 three-parcel minor subdivision process to simplify subdivisions "which create a total of <br />2 three or less [sic] parcels, situated in accordance with City codes, and no further utility or <br />2 street extensions are necessary, and the new parcels meet or exceed the size requirements <br />� of the zoning code." The current application meets all of these criteria. <br />� 5.0 REVIEW OF PROPOSED MINOR SUBDIVISION <br />� 5.1 City Code § 1004.016 (Dimensional Requirements) requires single-family parcels to be at <br />� least 85 feet wide and 110 feet deep, and to comprise at least 11,000 square feet in total <br />. area. While the applicant has not yet decided where the new, dividing parcel boundary <br />. would lie, the two proposed parcels would both be 145 feet deep and 100 feet wide, plus <br />. or minus 15 feet; the smallest possible parcel that could be created would be 85 feet wide <br />. and about 12,250 square feet in area. The approximate location of the proposed parcel <br />. boundary is shown in the site plan included with this report as Attachment C. <br />. 52 In reviewing the application, Roseville's Development Review Committee (DRC) has <br />. confirmed that two, separate sewer and water connections are present to serve both of the <br />. proposed parcels individually. The DRC also noted that that 6-foot wide drainage <br />. easements are required along the sides and rear of the new parcels, consistent with <br />. § 1103.04 (Easements) of the City Code. <br />� 53 According to the established procedure, if a MiNOx sus�ivisioN application is approved, <br />� a survey of the approved parcels, the new legal descriptions, and any necessary Quit <br />� Claim or Warranty deeds must be submitted for administrative review to verify <br />� consistency with the City Council's approval; then the approved survey must be recorded <br />� by the applicant with the Ramsey County Recorder. <br />� 6.0 RECOMMENDATION <br />� Based on the comments and findings outlined in Sections 4 and 5 of this report, Planning <br />� Division staff recommends approval of the proposed MiNOx sus�ivisioN, consistent with <br />� the attached site plan. <br />� 7.0 SUGGESTED ACTION <br />: By motion, approve the proposed MiNOx susnivisioN at 2764 Aglen Street based on <br />5 the comments and findings of Sections 4 and 5 and the recommendation of Section 6 of <br />this report. <br />Prepared by: Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd (651-792-7073) <br />Attachments: A: Area map C: Illustration of proposed minor subdivision <br />B: Aerial photo <br />PF10-008 RCA 032910.doc <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />