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30 4.0 BACKGROUND <br />3 4.1 Twin City Chinese Christian Church (T4C) is considering the purchase of the property at <br />3 2755 Long Lake Road, which has a Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of <br />3 Regional Business (RB) and a zoning classification of General Business (B-3) District. <br />3 This request for a zoNiNG TEXT aMEN�MENT has been prompted by the applicant's desire <br />3 to relocate to a new facility that they would construct on the subject property that better <br />3 meets the needs of the congregation. <br />37 4.2 <br />38 <br />39 <br />40 <br />41 <br />42 <br />43 <br />44 <br />45 <br />46 <br />4 5.0 <br />Planning Division staff has determined that the proposed zoNiNG TEXT aMEN�MENT is <br />inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and has recommended that the application be <br />denied. Pursuant to the March 3, 2010 public hearing on the matter, the Planning <br />Commission recommended approving the application, allowing churches as permitted <br />uses in B-3 districts. At its meeting of March 22, 2010, the City Council tabled action on <br />the request in order to further discuss some outstanding issues including how the <br />guidance of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan relates to the requirements of the zoning <br />code, the potential implications of the current zoning code update process in light of <br />existing zoning districts, what land uses are allowed in which Comprehensive Plan land <br />use designations, and the process of amending the Comprehensive Plan. <br />THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING <br />4s 5.1 The current zoning code update process began largely in response to the State mandate <br />4� that Roseville's zoning regulations be made consistent with its newly adopted <br />5o Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Inasmuch as the Comprehensive Plan establishes goals <br />5� and policies that guide land uses throughout the city, the zoning code must contain the <br />52 specific rules, so to speak, that advance those goals and policies. <br />53 <br />5 <br />55 <br />5 <br />57 <br />58 <br />59 <br />60 <br />6' <br />6� <br />63 <br />6^ <br />5.2 City Council members had questions about the effect of allowing churches in B-3 <br />Districts in given that this district will likely be replaced in a relatively short period of <br />time as part of Roseville's ongoing zoning code update process. Even though staff will be <br />proposing replacements for B-3 and other districts in the coming months, the new <br />business districts will have to account for all of the uses in the existing business zoning <br />districts. Some outdated uses (e.g., "physical culture") and some overly specific uses <br />(e.g., "picture framing") can be easily removed from the new zoning code in favor of <br />something more appropriate, but removing a newly-permitted use that has been added <br />during the zoning code update process, would be a considerably more complicated <br />proposition. After all, if institutional uses are today found to be appropriate in areas <br />guided for RB uses through the approval of the presently-proposed church, determining <br />them to be inappropriate in 6 months' time would seem to be rather arbitrary. <br />s5 5.3 The updated zoning code and any changes to the existing zoning code before the update <br />s� is complete, must all be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; if the Comprehensive <br />s Plan is determined to exclude (intentionally or not) churches from Regional Business <br />ss areas, then the Comprehensive Plan must be amended in some fashion to allow churches <br />s9 before the text of the B-3 District can be amended to permit or conditionally permit <br />7o churches. <br />PF10-006 RCA_032910 (3).doc <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />