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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
3/30/2010 10:41:49 AM
Creation date
3/30/2010 10:41:39 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION -OCTOBER 22, 2009 5 <br />lake over a number of years is excessive. The Association has been paying <br />approximately $40,000 a year. <br />Mr. O'Connell agreed that the cost seems dramatically inflated. He would be happy to <br />look at what the DNR would approve. He stated he has worked with the Association and <br />would be happy to assist in any way he can from inspections and documentation to <br />providing a work plan. <br />Eckman asked if Mr. O'Connell's company does aquatic lake vegetation management. <br />Mike answered, yes, and that he would be willing to submit a bid for a work plan. <br />Mr. Roberts responded that the DNR is a big contributor to the process. It is useful to <br />bring them to the table to make everything clear before decisions are made. The first <br />step is to decide what to bid on. If Option 14 is the beginning, then there can be a <br />discussion with the DNR of specifically what is needed. Another pressing issue is <br />loading to the lake from the Central Park wetland. No one ever imagined that area was a <br />contributor to phosphorous in Lake Owasso and no one has any idea how to address it. <br />When the water rises again, there will be a heavy load to the lake. <br />Ferrington stated the report and study done by Barr is helpful, but it is not a management <br />plan. Another issue besides vegetation is carp management and the impact of carp on <br />phosphorous. He asked residents to summarize in writing various issues that need to be <br />addressed and send it to GLWMO. GLWMO will work with the Association. <br />Mr. Bester stated that low water levels have increased mud that is kicked up from the <br />bottom which does have an effect. The truth is that no one knows for sure if treating <br />curly leaf pondweed will result in clearer, better quality water. <br />Westerberg suggested inviting the DNR to a meeting. Eckman added that a series of <br />educational sessions could be scheduled. <br />Chair Eckman responded that there are cost-share programs available for these issues. <br />She suggested having a DNR representative present at the November meeting. <br />Mr. O'Connell stated that it is helpful to have people meet who have the experience on <br />the lake. It would be valuable to get the DNR's contribution before the selection of a <br />management program. <br />Eckman suggested that more education is needed before a plan for the lake can be <br />adopted. Over the winter, she would like to see a couple of open forums with discussion <br />by educational panels of experts. It was agreed that the point of contact with the <br />Association would be Joe Bester. <br />At the request of the Board, Schwartz agreed to contact Cliff Aichinger, at the <br />Ramsey/Washington County Watershed District, and Scott Sobiech, Barr Engineering, to <br />attend the next meeting. Ferrington will contact Marcy Westrich at BOWSR. The <br />
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