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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
3/30/2010 11:47:45 AM
Creation date
3/30/2010 11:47:27 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
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GLWMO MINUTES <br />JANUARY 24, 2008 <br />PAGE 11 <br />Maloney reported that in 2008, the Board allocated resources for participation in a cost- <br />share program with Ramsey Conservation District NATURE program. The budget <br />includes $6,500 for technical assistance and $10,000 for acost-share program <br />administered by Ramsey Conservation District. <br />Eckman noted that on Tuesday, February 12, 2008, there will be a Shoreview clean water <br />forum in the City Hall Council chambers. Steve Woods will moderate. Tom Peterson, <br />RCD and Mark Maloney, will speak for the City and GLWMO and Rice Creek <br />Watershed District. The forum is open to the public and is free. This would be a <br />wonderful time to announce the initiation of this cost-share program, which will be a <br />direct resource for property owners. <br />Maloney stated that he will look into putting the program on Cable. <br />Aichinger noted that in order to be eligible for the Cost-Share program, the project has to <br />be related to water quality. Maloney asked if applicants making a proposal required by <br />the City for mitigation are eligible. Johnson stated that if required by the City, cost-share <br />funds are not available. Aichinger added that if the work is above and beyond what is <br />required, that portion is eligible for cost-share funding as it is considered a volunteer <br />effort. <br />Maloney asked the amount of administrative service that will be needed once technical <br />services have been done. Ryan answered that everything goes through RCD. Once <br />signed off that the work is approved as designed, invoices are sent to GLWMO. <br />Aichinger added that there should be a standardized invoice that shows certification of <br />completion with the request for payment. <br />Maloney asked the mechanism to get reimbursement to homeowners. Johnson stated that <br />once projects are inspected, receipts are processed for payment. <br />Maloney suggested that if the Board meets more often, perhaps the Board has a role in <br />reviewing applications. Aichinger suggested that staff approve applications within <br />certain specifications that meet approved guidelines. Any deviations would be reviewed <br />by the Board for approval, or applications could be put on a consent agenda. Johnson <br />stated that most projects are done in the spring and fall. Eckman suggested that follow- <br />up be done by interns. Johnson stated that an intern is sent out twice per year and <br />homeowners notified when they will be visited. <br />Ferrington asked if it is possible that a particular project would qualify for this and <br />another existing program and be eligible for double cost-share. Johnson stated that only <br />happens with lakeshore properties because of the big cost of restoring shoreline. <br />
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