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~R~G'D APB? 1 ~ 1~96~ <br />~~p~ ~_~ -- - - _- _ <br />April 9, 1996 <br />Mark Maloney <br />Grass Lake Water Management Organization <br />City of Shoreview <br />4600 Victoria Street <br />Shoreview, MN 55126 <br />RE CITY OF ROSEVILLE PROJECT ST-96-09 <br />BENNETT LAKE STORM SEWER <br />Dear Mr. Maloney: <br />As part of its 1996 construction projects, Roseville is proposing to install a storm sewer between <br />Bennett Lake and the recently constructed American Legion ponds on the east side of Victoria <br />Street. Stormwater from the American Legion ponds flows north under County Road C to Lake <br />Owasso. In 1973, the normal water level of Bennett Lake was lower than the normal water level <br />of Lake Owasso. A pumping station was installed to relieve Bennett Lake during heavy storm <br />events. Over time, the normal water level of Bennett Lake has raised. to a point where it is now <br />higher than the normal water level in Lake Owasso. Coupled with that is the fact that the existing <br />pumping system, which was installed in 1973, is becoming obsolete and too expensive to operate. <br />The City is proposing to connect Bennett Lake to the American Legion ponds with a 24" storm <br />sewer. A copy of the plan is included as part of the permit. The storm sewer is proposed to have <br />a gate valve included to provide the City with some control over the amount of flow to the <br />American Legion ponds. It is proposed to leave the existing system intact to use, since the <br />gravity system has been designed to carry the 10-year storm. A copy of the drainage calculations, <br />prepared by Barr Engineering, is enclosed as part of the permit. <br />Please contact me at 490-22.23 if you have any questions regarding this matter or would like to <br />discuss it further. <br />Sincerely, <br />Tony A. Thury <br />Project Coordinator <br />TAT:cy <br />Enclosures <br />2660 CIVIC CENTER DRI~~"E ~ ROSE~'ILI.E ~ 1II\`tiESOTA ®55113-1599 <br />612-490-2200 • TDD 612--I90-??05 <br />