(co+~tinued from prev(ous page) 4. Location and dimensions of proposed project/structure (length, width, elevation, depth,
<br />. side slope, etc.).
<br />5. Location ar,d dimensions of any aquatic vegetation.
<br />6. Identify and label lake bed and stream bed condifions and materials.
<br />b. Top view (overhead) sketch. !ndicate the fotiow(ng ((nclude dimensions where possible):
<br />i. Property boundaries and lot dimensions.
<br />2. Shoreline and water location.
<br />3. Dimensions of proposed project (length, width, elevation, etc.).
<br />4. Points of reference (existing homes, structures, docks, etc.). Be sure to indicate which
<br />direction is "North".
<br />5. Extent and location of any aquatic vegetation.
<br />6. Location of spoil and disposal sites (if applicable).
<br />7. Aerial Photos -Mandatory for watercourse realignment proposals.
<br />8. Additional information -Any additional information that you feel will further explain your
<br />project is helpful and should be included.
<br />B. Extensive or Complex Projects -For extensive or complex projects, the Department may request supplementary
<br />information Including but not limited to the following: Topographic map, water table map, soil borings, depth soundings, aerial
<br />photographs, environmental assessment, and/or engineering reports. Additional information will be required.
<br />II. Drainage Projects:.
<br />Minnesota Rules and Statutes prohibit the total drainage of a DNR protected water or wetland.
<br />Please direct any questions you may have regarding temporary or partial drainage to the Regional Hydrologist at the DNR
<br />Regional Office serving you.
<br />I{I. Bridge and Culvert Projects:
<br />If you are proposing to construct, reconstruct or relocate a bridge or culvert you will be asked to submit additional hydro-
<br />logic/hydraulic information. if you have any questions regarding bridge and culvert projects, please contact the Regional
<br />Hydrologist.
<br />fV. Dams (Dam Safety Projects):
<br />If you are proposing to construct, enlarge, alter, remove, abandon or conduct major repair on a dam, you may be asked to
<br />submit additional information. For further information on dam safety requirements, contact the Dam Safety Unit, Civision of
<br />Waters, Department of Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55155-4032, telephone (612) 296-4800.
<br />V. Utility Crossings:
<br />Minnesota Statutes. Chapter 84.415 and. Minnesota Rules Part 6135 prohibit utility passage over, under or across protected
<br />waters unless a license has been previously obtained from the Commissioner of Natural Resources. Utilities include telephone,
<br />telegraph, and electric power lines, ccbles or conduits. underground cr otherwise, or mains or pipelines for gases, liquids or
<br />solids in suspension. Projects requiring a utility crossing license will not require a protected waters permit.
<br />Further information concerning utility crossings can be obtained by contacting: Recl Estate Management, Department of
<br />Natural Resources, 500 Lafayette Road. St. Paul, Minnesota, 55155-4030, telephone (612) 296-4097.
<br />Submitting Application
<br />Make sure that you furnish all information that is requested and sign the application form. Forms that are incorrectly filled out or
<br />lack requested information will cause delay in your application.
<br />Affer you have completed the application, keep a copy cnd instruction sheet for your records, and forward the remaining copies
<br />with five (5) sets of all supporting maps, plans, specificctions, etc., to the DNR Regional Office serving you. Mailing addresses can
<br />QUeStlonS
<br />If you have any questions on the procedure for tucking application, please contact the DNR Regional Cffice serving you. The
<br />address and telephone number of each DNR office can be found on the last page.
<br />- ~14TIC~
<br />Waters of the United States
<br />You should be aware that projects which will involve crainage, excavation, fill or impoundment of wetlands or waters of the
<br />United States, even those wetlands outside of the jurisdiction of the DNR, may require an individual permit from the U.S. Army
<br />Corps of Engineers. Persons proposing such projects should contact the Department of the Army, St. Paul District, Corps of
<br />Engineers, Attn: CO-R, 190 Fifth Street East, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55101-1638, telephone (612) 290-5375 for further information.
<br />