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Maloney will send a copy of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet <br />(EAW) for this project to Rensch when it is available. Rensch will review <br />the EAW and forward pertinent information to the .Board. <br />e. Waste oil facility project <br />B. Hearings and Petitions -None. <br />C. Letters and General Information <br />C-i The Board reviewed the following letters received by the GLWMO since the last <br />meeting:. <br />1. Letter from Steve North regarding appointment of Karl Keel as Technical <br />Advisor to GLWMO for 1996. <br />2. Letter from Mike Aaron, Upper Mississippi River Basin Association, regarding <br />spill contingency plan. <br />3. Letter from Vikki L-F Rensch regarding application to GLWNIO Board. <br />4. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources-"WaterTalk", Summer/Fall 1995 <br />5. Letter from Tom Peterson, Ramsey Soil and Water Conservation District, <br />regarding storm sewer stenciling project-Lake Josephine and Lake Johanna. <br />D. REPORTS <br />D-1 Marty Rye, engineering consultant from SEH, reported on the following: <br />American Legion Park project-Arnt Construction will begin work the week of <br />January 29, 1996. Work will take approximately one week to complete. Rensch <br />requested a copy of the feasibility report for the American Legion Park project. <br />Information and Education-Rye's report included four items for the Board to <br />review: <br />1. Lake information map that describes the resources of a lake and the basin's water <br />quality. <br />2. Watershed Protection Techniques article regarding impacts of residential lawn <br />care. <br />.i. Watershed Protection Techniques article which identifies ways to minimize the <br />impact of residential lawn care on downstream water quality. <br /> <br />