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Lake Owasso Task Force <br />l U 30 96 minutes <br />attending: Deane _-~nklan. Pzgg~ Egli. John Grainer. Katz Linder. Shzila Prok. Jim Stark. Jim <br />~'anous. Bem~ ~"olfangle. Gan' Food, Ste~•e \orth <br />chair: Gan' \~'ood <br />:~leetinQ heeun. 7:05 Pl~i <br />1~.~pW~~~aLQf_min~~_fLO~10_`16~~, <br />?Minutes are amended as follows: The current slalom is not too rowded, but its owners do not <br />want it o~•erused. Surface equipment can be remo~~ed to e~•ent its improper use b~ others <br />(D-~)• <br />:ditch Com•erse also recei~•ed a copy' of the 10% 16'96 min es. <br />Minutes ~~ere unaniniousl~• appro~•ed. including the aho~ change. <br />2.3: _Q4tcstion dc~~elopmcnt -general comments: ~ <br />Questions from .~nklan. Grainer. and Egli were re~~ie~ed. with additional yuestions from others. <br />Eeli. V~'ood. and \orth will. condense questions i to 1-2 paces to be mailed to panel <br />participants and LOTF members before 11 13 (n~•ironmetital) and 12 <br />(safet~~ regulatory enforcement) meetings. <br />_-~t the 11 13 and 12 -1 meetings. panelists should briefly' introduce themsel~•es and state their <br />credentials expertise. The list of questions ~~~11 prompt panel membzrs' discussion. and <br />LOTF can ask additional questions as need~'d. The guest(s) with greater expertise on a <br />specific yuzstion can ans~~er first; all pane~~sis need nut ans~~er e~•er~ yuesiion. Elperience <br />and perspecti~~es based on other metro-arz lakes may also be of ~•alue. <br />e~ e 'orth recei~~ed a letter from Karl ILZ~I stating how' GLV~'~fO intends to interact with the <br />task force. \orth will obtain a statem~nt of the goals and role of the GLV~'~1O for the task <br />force. ~~ <br />Jeff Roessler (GL~'yiO) ~i ill come on Y 1 13, but will represent himself and not GL~~'A1O. <br />Tzm_' \oonan. Tom Peterson. and Ed ~lusielw'icz will be officialh• in~'ited for 11 13 b~~ forth. <br />Don '~fe~•er is una~•ailahle till Jan or F,~b 97. He pre~•iously supported a change to a 150' buffer <br />in -1987 (G~'). yfembers agreed to wait until after the 11 13 96 meeting to determine if <br />)\ie~~er's Secchi disc data arz needed. Some Owasso clariri~ data arz in the 1995 GL~''~iD <br />Interim Report. j <br />Tlie proposed questions prompt some discussion. partly summarized below. Other discussion <br />of the questions will be incc~porated into minutes of panel discussions. <br />Lakes go through cycles (e.g. ~pth: JG). Prairie lake lifetimes are -10,000 yr (D~) ifthev are <br />not subject to human influ~nce (JS). <br />Current lake weed and algae ontrol eYeeeds DNR limits but is grandfathered. Shore owners <br />would be angr~~ and rea estate prices would drop if it was reduced (G~",SP). Mechanical <br />methods seem less eff cti~•e (1~L) but ~j~ere widely used in the 30's (D_~). Harvesting without <br />remo~•ine cut iiiateria s is illegal. Shore owners cannot appl~• chemicals without a permit <br />(B~) <br />