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na azh_o-ur LOCAL -STATE -FEDERAL WATER RESOURCE PROJECT NOTIFICATION /APPLICATION FORM <br />Vse this form to notify/apply to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and your Local Governme~; lJna <br />of a prcpos ed wa[erhvetla nd protect or work which may fall within their jurisdiction. These agencies should advise you of their jurisdiction or p=rrr.,; <br />requirements within 45 days. Some LG U's may also require submission of their own application forms. Fill out this form completely and mail a Corr <br />with plans, maps, etc. to each of the agencies listed on the reverse of the form. Keep a copy for your records. Y (;LUST OBTAIN ALL REQUIRE',' <br />AUTHORIZATIONS BEFORE B"cGINNING WORK. ~(r~ !r;r q ~ r!n7 <br />AGENCY USE OPJLY: LGU NUMBER: <br />MDNR NUMBER: CORPS NUh16ER: <br />1. Applicant's Name (Last, First. M.L1 Authorized Agent, if anv Area Code, Telephone <br /> Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department Gregory A. Mack, Director f 612 17770393 <br /> Address (Street, RFD, Eox Number, City, State, Zlp Code) <br /> 2015 Van Dyke Street North Maplewood, MN 55109 <br />II. Location of proposed protect Ia[tach drawing showing how to get to site) (Refer to Exhihits A & B) <br /> COUNTY QUARTER SECTION(S) SECTIONSIsI No. TOWNSHIP(S) No. RANG E(sJ No. Lot, Elock, Subdivision <br /> Ramsey NW 114 24 30 23 <br /> FIRE Plo., BOX No., OR PROJECT ADDRESS NAME OF WATERBODY AFFECTED and NUMBER (IF KNOWN( <br /> Snail Lake Regional Park Drainage Corridor (north~south between Hwy 96 and Snail Lake Road ,west of Hodgson Road) <br />III. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: 520,000 LENGTH OF SHORE AFFECTED (in feet); <br />IV. VOLUMc" OF FILL OR EXCAVATION (Cubic Yards!: 3000 C.Y. 1300 L.F. IN07E.' You may subs brute dimens:on;'. <br /> AREA FILLED OR EXCAVATED IS Acres, OR Square Feet <br />0.75 <br />V. TYPE OF WORK AND AREA (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY(: ^ ACCESS PATH ^ BRIDGE ^ CULVERT ^ D-'-t <br /> CY CONSTRUCT ^ DRAIN ^ EXCAVATE ^ DOCK ^ RIPRAP ^ SANDBLANKET <br /> ~ FILL CJ REPROVE ^ REPAIR <br /> ~ LAKE O SHOR"CLINE ^ WATERWAY (YJ WETLAP:C <br />Refer to Exhibits C & D <br /> OTHER (DESCRIBE): <br /> vVETLAND TYPE15) AND ACR--eAGE1S1 PROPOSED TO BE FILLED/DRAINED: PFOSSICd (0.30 ac.j PEMSSICd (0-05 aCJ - 0.75 ac. total <br /> A C[ach applicable drawings, plans, and ASCS crop photos. Include a description of any proposed compensatory mitigation. Imoortanr. Itlenu`v <br /> anv disposal and borro wr areas. Describe the work below: how it would be done; what equipment would be used. Fill trailhed 1'~3' deep (sand <br /> excavated from mitigation pond) using dump trucks and hulldozer (paved path 10' wide x 2500' long • 1300' wetland, 1200' upland). Compensatory mitigation excavation <br /> of pond in Grass Lake area. <br />VI. PROJECT PURPOSE (evhy is this project needed--what benefits will it provide?1: (Refer to Exhibits E, F & G) Recreational trail for bicycling, hiking and <br /> cross country skiing. To provide a north~south paved trail connection between Snail Lake Regional Park and Highway 96 Regional Trail Corridor. <br />V.;. P.LTER:V ATIVES Idescnbe any other sites or methods that could be used to achieve the pwpese of your project while avoiding or mini r.:-nc <br /> wetlandhvater impacts: Attach additional sheets, if needed!. <br /> Refer to attached sheet ~ (Exhibit HI <br />VIII. DATES: Proposed start of activity: July 1997 (placement of fill) Proposed completion: July 19981paving) <br /> (Identify any completed work on an attached drawing! One year period required far settlement and stabilization of fill material. <br />IX. ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS (Attach list if more than two! fRefef to attached list. Exhihit I) <br /> PJame Address City State Zip <br /> <br /> <br />X. PERMITS have bean received tenter an R1 or already applied for (enter an A) from: _ DNR _ AR'.1V CORPS OF ENGINEERS _ Gcur.r, <br /> TCWN/CITY WATERSHED DISTRICT MN POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY <br /> Has an archaeological survey of the project site been done? Nn If so, by whom: <br /> <br />I he reby notify the recipients of this form of the project proposed herein and request that 16e advised of any permits or other determinations concerning <br />this project that I must obtain. I understand that proceeding with work before all required authorizations are obtained may subject me to Federal. State, <br />and lor loo administrative, civil and/ criminal penalties. <br /> DATE: ~ ^ \O - 1~ <br />~', Signa ~ f Person ropo>~ g Protect or Agent <br /> < < < PLEASE CAREFULLY READ AND COMPLETE BACK OF FORM > > > <br />