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Administrative Hearings, 100 Washington Square, Suite 1700, Minneapolis, Minnesota <br />»401-2138, telephone 612/341-7609 and FAX 612/349-2666. <br />Hearing Procedure. If a hearing is held, you and all interested or affected persons, <br />including representatives of associations or other interested groups, will have an opportunity to <br />participate. You may present your views either orally at the hearing or in writing at any time <br />before the close of the hearing record. All evidence presented should relate to the proposed <br />rules. You may also submit written material to the Administrative Law Judge to be recorded in <br />the hearing record for five working days after the public hearing ends. This five-day comment <br />period may be e:ctended for a longer period. not to e:cceed 20 calendar days if ordered by the <br />Administrative Law Judge at the hearing. Following the comment period, there is a <br />five-working-day response period during which the agency and any interested person may <br />respond in writing to any new information. submitted. No additional evidence may be submitted <br />during the five-day response period. All comments and responses submitted to the <br />Administrative Law Judge must be received at the Office of Administrative Hearings no later <br />than 4:3.0 p.m. on the due date. All comments or responses received will be available for revietiv <br />at the Office of Administrative Hearings. This rule hearing procedure is governed by Minnesota <br />Rules, parts 1400.2000 to 1400.2240, and Minnesota Statutes, sections 14.131 to 14.20. <br />Questions about procedure may be directed to the Administrative Law Judge. <br />The agency requests that any person submitting written views or data to the <br />Administrative Law Judge prior to the hearing or during the comment or response period also <br />submit a copy of the written views or data to the agency contact person at the address stated <br />above. <br />Statement of Need and Reasonableness. A statement of need and reasonableness is <br />now available from the agency contact person. This statement contains a summary of the <br />justification for the proposed rules, including a description of who will be affected by the <br />proposed rules and an estimate of the probable cost of the proposed rules. The statement may <br />also be reviewed and copies obtained at the cost of reproduction from either the agency or the <br />Office of Administrative Hearings. <br />Lobbyist Rebistration. blinr~esota Statutes, chapter 10A, requires each lobbyist to <br />register with the Campaign Finance and Disclosure Board. Questions regarding this requirement <br />may be directed to the Campaign Finance and Disclosure Board at: First Floor South, Centennial <br />Building, 668 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 66156, telephone 612/296-~ 148 or <br />1-800-667-3889. <br />adoption Procedure if No Hearing. If no hearing is required, the agency may adopt the <br />rules after the end of the comment period. The rules and supporting documents will then be <br />submitted to the Office of Administrative Hearings for review for legality. You may ask to be <br />notified of the date the rules are submitted to the office. If you want to be so notified, or want to <br />