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" %l~rii=~' 4twt" <br />:, , <br />This research has <br />surprisingly similar c <br />t d d t' <br />lncpewious cover is a pvwe~ fnl i~rdicator of fulru•e stream quality <br />^ <br />he emcreing field of urban watershed protcc- <br />~~ tion often lacks a unifying theme to guide <br />the efforts of its many participants-planners, <br />engineers, landscape architects, scientists, and local <br />officials. The lack of a common theme has often made <br />it difficult to achieve a consistent result at either the <br />individual development site or cumulatively, at the <br />watershed scale. <br />In this article a unifying theme is proposed based on <br />a physically defined unit-imperviousness. Impervi- <br />ousness here is defined as the sum of roads, parking <br />lots, sidewalks, rooftops, and other impermeable sur- <br />~~ faces of the urban landscape. This vari- <br />yielded a able can be easily measured at all scales <br />onclusion- of development, as the percentage of <br />area that is not "green". <br />s ream egra a ton occurs at <br />relatively low le <br />imperviousness <br />~• <br />vels of Imperviousness is a very useful <br />10-20%). indicator with which to measure the <br />~t impacts of land development on <br />aquatic systems. Reviewed here is the <br />scientific evidence that relates imperviousness to spe- <br />cificchanges in the hydrology, habitat structure, water <br />quality and biodiversity of aquatic systems. This re- <br />search, conducted in many geographic areas, concen- <br />trating on many different variables, and ..employing <br />widely different methods, has yielded a surprisingly <br />similarconclusion-stream degradation occurs at rela- <br />tively low levels of imperviousness (10-20%). Most <br />importantly, imperviousness is one of the few vari- <br />ables that can be explicitly quantified, managed and <br />controlled at each stage of land development. The <br />remainder of this paper examines in detail the relation- <br />ship between imperviousness and stream quality. <br />The Components of Imperviousness <br />Imperviousness represents the imprint of land de- <br />velopment on the landscape. It is composed of two <br />primary components-the rooftops under which we <br />live, work and shop, and the trcuzsport system (roads, <br />driveways, and parking lou) that we use to get from <br />one roof to another. As it happens, the transport com- <br />ponent now often exceeds the rooftop component in <br />terms of total impervious area created. For example, <br />transport-related imperviousness comprised 63% to <br />70% of total impervious. cover at the site in l 1 residen- <br />tial, multifamily and commercial areas where it had <br />actually been measured" This phenomenon is ob- <br />served most often in suburban areas and reflects the <br />recent ascendancy of the automobile in both our cul- <br />ture and iandscape. Tne sharp increases in per capita <br />vehicle ownership, trips taken, and miles travelled <br />have forced local planners to increase the relative size <br />of the transport component over the last two decades. <br />Traditional zoning has strongly emphasized and <br />regulated the first component (rooftops) and lamely <br />neglected the transport component. While tl~e rooftop <br />component is largely fixed in density zoning, tl~e <br />transport component is not. As an example, nearly all <br />zoning codes set the maximum density for an area, <br />based on dwelling units (rooftops). Thus, in a liven <br />area, no more than one single family home can be <br />located on each acre of land, and so forth. <br />Thus a wide range in impervious cover is often seen <br />for the same zoning category. For example, impervi- <br />ous area associated with medium density single family <br />homes can range from 25% to nearly 60%, depending <br />on the layout of streets and parking. This suggests that <br />significant opportunities exist to reduce the share of <br />imperviousness from the transport component. <br />Imperviousness and runoff <br />The relationship between imperviousness and run- <br />offmay be widely understood, but it is not always fully <br />appreciated. Figure I illustrates the increase in the site <br />runoff coefficient as a result of site imperviousness, <br />developed From over~0 runoff monitoring sites across <br />the nation. The runoff coefficient ranges from zero to <br />one and expresses the fraction of rainfall volume that <br />is actually converted into storm runoff volume. As can <br />be seen, the runoff coefficient closely tracks percent <br />impervious cover, except at low levels where soils and <br />slope factors also become important. In practical terms <br />this means that the total runoff volume for aone-acre <br />parking lot (Rv = 0.95) is about 16 times that produced <br />by an undeveloped meadow (Rv = 0.06). <br />To put this in more understandable terns, consider <br />the runoff from aone-inch rainstorm (see Table 1). The <br />total runoff from aone-acre meadow would fill a <br />standard size office to a depth of about two feet (218 <br />cubic feet). By way of comparison, if that same acre <br />was completely paved, aone-inch rainstorm would <br />completely fiil your office, as_ well as the ttivo next to it. <br />The peak discharge, velocity and time of concen tration <br />of stormwater runoff also exhibit a striking increase <br />after a meadow is replaced by a parking lot (Tahle 1). <br />Because infiltration is reduced in impervious areas, <br />one would expect groundwater recharge to be propor- <br />tionately reduced. This, in turn, should translate into <br />lowerdry weatherstream flows. Actual data, however, <br />that demonstrate this effect is rare. Indeed, Evett et ai." <br />could not find any statistical difference in low stream <br />100 ~rY l=f@.-~i~Xl°ra :a "a ~ i':® e~_ lre ~ •l j~c v i ~;.1' <br />