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Table 2: Review of key findings of urban stream studies examining the relationship of <br />urbanization on stream quality <br />Ref. Year Location Biological Parameter Key Finding <br />3 1991 Seattle Fish habitat/ Channel stability and fish habitat <br /> channel stability quality declined rapidly after 10% imperv. <br />~,~, 1:.99-~ Maryland Brawn trou~ ! " Abundance and recruit[nent of brown trout <br />:~::.::::.::: :.:;..:.:::- :: ::::::::::::::::€>:: <br />..,,... decimes.sharpi at ~415°~° im en~c;ss:::.- <br />Y ....~ .:..... p. <br />1 1981 Atlanta Aquatic insects Negative relationship between number of <br /> insect species and urbanization in 21 <br /> streams <br /> <br />J-S!` x:987 <br />Northern <br />Aquatic Insects ::. <br />Urbah streams had sharplyJcwer diversifi,~ of <br /> <br />-~ - ~ <br />,. ~![rgFnEa <br />_ _ ,; <br />aquatic insects when numart population '° <br /> <br />~° ~ .:: <br />- <br />densit Pxce~ded ~ persons acre. esti <br /> `;;:;, `;`; mated 15-25°!° imperr. cove) <br />17 1990 New York Fish spawning Resident and anadromous fish eggs and <br /> larvae declined sharply in 16 tributary <br /> streams greater than 10% imperv. <br />25 : 1:994- Delaware <br />_... Aquatic insects :- [nsect diversity at 19 stream sites dropped °°i <br /> <br />,: - ::::~ ::._:;:;::-::~::;;::::::~ ::::::_ ::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::._..~:::::::::-: shar I .at 8 to 15°~':im erv. - <br />P. Y.... <br />25 1994 Delaware Habitat quality Strong relationship between insect diversity <br /> and habitat quality; majority of 53 urban <br /> streams had poor habitat <br />C SLYwr~.;-- ~ ire, 't~XjAi`i, •"+~' {~i \'!>tp7~~l~~~c, ' [~:I--~1)~ !,'~-~ 105 <br />24 1992 Maryland Aquatic insects Insect diversity metrics in 24 subwatersheds <br />shifted from good to poor over 15% imperv. <br />16 1979 Maryland Aquatic insects/fish Macroinvertebrate and fish diversity declines <br />rapidly after 10% imperv. <br />27 1988 Ontario Aquatic insects Strong negative relationship between biotic <br />integrity and increasing urban land use/ <br />riparian condition at 209 stream sites. <br />Degradation begins at about 10% imperv. <br />28 1983 Seattle Salmon Marked reduction in coho salmon popula- <br />lions noted at 10-15% imperv. at 9 sites <br />12 1986 NewJersey Aquatic insects Drop in insect taxa from 13 to 4 noted in <br />urban streams <br />3.0 °~- ` 199. OIZEa Aquatic ]nsectsj 100% of 40 urban slf°s sampled had fair o <br />«:; , , <br />nsn very poor maex or r~[o[tc mtegnty scores <br />