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<br />2. The Village Clerk is also authorized and direct.ed to c:-use <br />ballots or ballot lAbels to be prenared anI plpced in the voting ml'- <br />chines to be used at said election. Said ballots or ballot labels <br />shall be printed in black ink on light green materiBl in substantially <br />the following form: <br /> <br />OFFICIAL BAlLOT <br />i~.pril ll, 1961 <br /> <br />(Village Clerk's facsimUe signature) <br /> <br />"Shall the Village continue to oper8te <br />its municipal liquor stores rather than <br />issue private liquor licenses?" <br /> <br />The voting levers shall be so arranged as to provide the voters with <br />the opportunity of voting "yes" or "no" on such proposition. The Clerk <br />shall provide each polling place ..ri th at least tliO s8mple ballots ar- <br />rc'Dged in the form of ;:> di" r,r'lm show:ing such p2 rt of the f" ce of the <br />voting machine as shall be in use at s8id election. Such s"mple ballots <br />shall conta~,n suitable illustrated directions for vot:ing on the voting <br />machine, and shall remain open to inspectio by the voters throughout <br />the s;'id election day.f. sC'mple b2,llot shall "180 be posted in the of- <br />fi ce of the VillC'.ge Clerk at le.s st four dpys before the election. <br /> <br />3. The follow-:ing persons are hereby appointed to be ,judges of <br />election in the respective election precincts: <br /> <br />Precinct No. 1 <br /> <br />Prec-i nct No. 2 <br /> <br />Eleanor Wegleitner <br />Hyrtle V. r.lurphy <br />Mary E. Jacobsen <br /> <br />Irene Hockemeyer <br />Wilma M. Raleigh <br />Ruth Doll <br /> <br />Precinct No. 4 <br /> <br />Precinct No. 5 <br /> <br />Seth Holm <br />Virginia Foley <br />Ethel Petersen <br /> <br />Frances E. Johnson <br />Gladys 11. Smola <br />Frances L. Brooks <br /> <br />Precinct No. 7 <br /> <br />Precinct No. 8 <br /> <br />Dorothy II. Hathaw-ay <br />Verlyn G. ipJard <br />Harjorie S. l"lonson <br /> <br />l-iuth H. Simerman <br />Beverly Gilles <br />Lucille A. Eng <br />Dorothy Kennedy <br /> <br />Precinct No. 3 <br /> <br />~Jlargaret Strecker <br />Delores E. Janis <br />Nyra Peterson <br /> <br />Precinct No. 6 <br /> <br />l'JIyrna E. (Ioneau <br />Florentine Cafferty <br />Catherine Hocraffer <br /> <br />Precinct No. 9 <br /> <br />Florabella L. Schultz <br />Corinne H. Ha,alund <br />.Q)rothy H. Olson <br /> <br />Hter the polls close, the ,judges shall forthw-ith lock the voting machines, <br />read and amlOunce the votes on the porpositions submi tt.ed as shown on the <br />public counter, the judges shall the'eafter enter the results on the sta,te- <br />ments of canvass to the Village Clerk. <br /> <br />4. This Council shall meet as a c2nvassinp: board on /lpril 12, 1961, <br />at 10:00 0' clock A.H. at the Village Ihll, to decbre the resulb: of the <br />elec i.ion appearing from the returns. <br /> <br />Attest: <br /> <br />~~ <br />/,,/ "-- / <br />/::2' '/ <br />~ V'l a~e er <br /> <br />.. '\ <br /> <br />/;, 'f' Ii /' .. <br />'.. vl/f r LX/"" . <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br />'< / .. <br />t..j LL&.. <br /> <br />